Sunday, October 30, 2005

Eric May, Ghost Troop

I came across the name above when reading an article on Progressive Independent, a good site if you enjoy news and discussion. Mr. May's name was mentioned in an article titled Soldiers Join Sheehan in Protesting the War on Iraq.

The article states : "Eric May, “Captain May,”a Houstonian who might be compared with Che Guevara in a cowboy hat, was on the scene to support Cindy and protect the protestors. A former military intelligence officer, May has for the past couple of years headed an Internet activist group called “Ghost Troop,” whose mission is fighting propaganda and misinformation issued by the Bush Administration and propagated by the corporate media. Prior experience as a high school teacher of classic languages along with his insider’s military experience make May an engaging speaker. He mesmerized listeners with his account of the April 2003 Battle of Baghdad and its cover-up, while the engineered “rescue” of Pvt. Jessica Lynch was played out on television."

The blurb above had my attention as two of my sons are MI, and one was actually there during the "Battle of Baghdad" in 2003. Initially I thought Captain May had served/fought in the April 2003 Battle of Baghdad but further reading showed that not to be the case. So I googled for more information on the Captain, not having seen anything previously from him on the internet and having spent a great deal of time surfing and reading, especially the past five years.

Using "ghost troop" as search, the first google link is May's website, with his Tae Kwon Do photo, military background, and "published essays" although it seems the publishing of Battle for Baghdad by the Houston Chronicle, was in the Outlook section, a readers opinion page. Online Chronicle does not archive Outlook so I found nothing there. Another link showed what appeared to be a May 2005 posting of snips from May's essay and responses. One gentleman disputing May's information sounded very credible.

So I googled "ghost troop of Baghdad" and the first link was from National Vanguard, the white supremist group. At the bottom of the Vanguard page was Source: Adelaide Institute. Well, that might explain why I haven't surfed across Cap'n May before as both Vanguard and Adelaide are too white for me.

So I googled "adelaide institute eric may" and the first link was a reprint of e-mail from Eric May explaining his position on the Zionist control of the media.

The second paragraph of May's e-mail :
"I re-include the press release we of Ghost Troop have issued, giving confirmed "news" that the Zionist-controlled US Media has repressed for 30 months, in complete disregard of the tenets of the Constitution and the ethics of journalism:"

There's that National Vanguard again. At this point I suspect one of two possibilities: Captain May is still MI and infiltrating the peace movement, or – and more likely, he's as full of shit as a Thanksgiving turkey.


Kate-A said...

Thanks for the info. I doubt May is still MI. He reads more like a wannabee famous and followed type of guy. I read all I found written by him and noticed a few times the information conflicted. MI would remember their own lies better. :)

Anonymous said...

I WAS A MEMBER OF GHOST TROOP FOR A FEW SHORT WEEKS. SOON CAME TO REALIZE NOT ALL WAS WHAT IT APPEARED TO BE! THE SAD PART ABOUT THIS MAN IS HIS HAteful revenge against those who dare to question him! and the lies and hate that follow! your right in your thoughts about this man. cjw

Kate-A said...

Thanks anonymous cjw miuws. I've had quite a few emails also in support of my turkey theory of Eric.

RTO Trainer said...

Thanks for posting this, Kate. Saved me some leg work.

Anonymous said...


He taught me in high school (MT. Carmel, Houston Texas). He thought he was a commando back then, too. Would show up with grease paint on his face, in camo.

He is brilliant, and I have to give him that. But his brain seems twisted with time.

Kate-A said...



I've known a few brilliant turkeys I wouldn't want to spent time with.

Anonymous said...

I don't think "turkey" negates the idea that he may still be active MI. Being a turkey is a ploy. Use him as an official source of information in a court of law and your case will fall flat on it's face.

He's one of these 99% truth, 1% crap type of professional dis-info guys(if you ask me). And he's quite good at it.

These guys are acting against all that is good inside them and you can see it on their faces. May looks quite disturbed.

Just my two cents.

Best wishes


Kate-A said...

Thanks for the 2 cents.

I think May is a wannabe. My middle son has 15 years in MI and MI is not the way May plays it.

May reminds me of the old guy in the bar telling stories of his CIA/MI adventures when the truth is he never found a slot in the military he was any good at.

May would be the jerk everyone loaded soap into socks and beat the shit out of.

99% of the so-called experts and "former" whatevers, such as Cap'n Eric are only out to make a buck and see their name in print.

May is all hat and no cattle.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your appraisal of May's personality completely though I still believe this doesn't negate the idea of him being a paid, professional nutjob. Why else would he be so deceptive?

I'm sure your son knows his stuff but does he know the workings of the corrupt military? I'm talking about corrupt military intelligence. They're scary, crazy men. May is a scary, crazy man.

His crap-ola reeks of deliberate disinformation to me. I believe the people behind May have lot's of cattle and no hats.

Anyhow it's good to see some people are onto his antics no matter what his true motives are.


Kate-A said...

The only thing behind May is his greed and a few imbecile followers. He isn't an operative, never was. He was a desk jockey who never saw action or got his boots dirty.

The disinfo agents with government backing are the ones folks believe - i.e. Daniel Ellsberg, Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson.

They rant and rave but their "truth" reveals nothing, changes nothing, and keeps the progressives happy with heroes of their own.

The same powers that manipulate the "right" also manage the "left." So good at deception that the "left" believes their heroes are really real.

Anonymous said...

Well I've read a lot of this blog and I am betwixt and between my understanding when there is so much cinisizm for a person who has actually been something you people have never hoped to copy. So, go ahead and grow some and write Captain May with your disapproval of his patriotic assessment of this wicked government. But, beware of allowing the truth about yourself being brought out. You people have not ever mentioned once that you yourselves have reservations about the way this country is going. Silence at a time of treason is called treason. But of course, I'm only one person who sees a patriot based on his fruits. Have you any?

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world of warcraft gold said...
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Unknown said...

Kate, I think a bogger by the name of DreamsEnd blogged about Eric May and the Ghost Troop. I think DE's position was that May and his group are anti-semitic "patriots". If I remember right, he was trying to track down a person by the name of Beth Kennison or something like that, who posted under the handle of Et in arcadia Ego Eve, or something like that, and came across Ghost Troop and May. Very long story.

Kate-A said...

Julie -
I haven't heard of any of those folks, other than Cap'n May - and he appears to have gone the way of many "anti-war" folk and other turkeys - with little to no publicity and/or followers now that Obama has moved in to the big house.

Cap'n May is an attention seeker, only lower IQ grovelers need apply.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Like Jennifer Love Hewit, Beth Kennison is an alien from another demension able to predict the future. Dreams End is an alien stalker, not unlike Diana Napolis. Capt. Eric may also be an alien, though likely a New Order alien. This is all documented in Godlike Productions.

Kate-A said...

A lot of spam on this blog post for some reason.

Damien said...

I was looking and reading other articles about Beth Kennison, and yours is the one with the most interesting, accurate and useful information.

Thanks for sharing and have a nice day.

cole cunningham said...

Shane january 26 said...

I forgive the reader (Tim) because I have practice.

Anonymous said...

feel so much to think about Harley. Rage, disappointment, sadness, hope.....humility.

Feathers borne on the wind.

Anonymous said...

kate - pray for steve. And pray for the good guysl

Anonymous said...

eric may is going to die like everyone. does he pray as often as he writes about 'veterans'? The dense invert NEEDS INVERT. it's such a shame...they're gonna miss this plane - to get us out of denver.

Work in progress said...

just ples intervene so that Amen Ra and Apollo can live.

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