Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pass the Ammo

There are folks who for months have found glee in reciting Bush's plummeting poll numbers and more recently applaud the fact that individual States are now calling for impeachment proceedings – but, I find all this good "bad news and new lows for Bush" a bit concerning.

Impeachment changes nothing but the name and face of the High Command Liar, and polls are only an invention of the elite to manufacture public opinion, not gauge it.

The rulers anticipate the masses reaction; hell they manufacture Joe Blow's reaction and he follows, on cue. The Bush fall from popular grace is a perfect example of how manipulated Joe can be. High prices at the pump is all it takes for most of Bush's best friends among the peasantry to abandon him. As more "Bush lied" spreads across mass mentality even the fanatic racist "kill 'em all" backers go silent and follow the herd; yep, all Bush's fault. Just git rid of Bush and clean up his world 'o mess and everything will be okie-dokey.

And too, there is always the fact that millions would live and die believing all the misery and horror is unavoidable because of that old standby – religion. God told us He would end times very unpleasantly for most of us, and if He uses the elite controlled nukes to do it – so be it Bubba, praise the lord and pass the ammo.

As long as Bush retained his place in the cockles of Joe Blow's heart, as long as Bush peacocked and strutted as the admired leader of the free world – we the peons were semi-safe from the global elite's perverse greed and divine-sized egos.

Recall 3 to 4 years ago the high profile neocon names around Bush were the main targets for anti-Bush bloggers. Those names (Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton, Ledeen, Fleischer, Zakheim, etc.) began dropping off the bashing radar the same time (May '05) that we the people, the media, and congress were empowered to publicly and patriotically jump on GW himself. After that long "unpatriotic" hush protecting Dubya was removed, anyone and everyone sang and tap danced the "truth." Some of it may be choreographed.

In a military tribunal the above guy-cabal would easily be acquitted of any criminal charges. The "inner circle" is, or has, quietly and conveniently put sufficient desk space between themselves and the madman Dubya.

Cheney is no longer written up in the left blogosphere as the man running the country. And Rove, "Bush's brain," relieved himself of his domestic policy portfolio on April 19, 2006, to concentrate on '06 election strategy (sure, wink wink). Bush the twisted and deficient manboy has deservedly been left naked and hanging in the wind (and apparently even peed on by Rove).

It is possible, even likely, that if Bush goes down as the insane dupe of an evil neocon cabal then the blame for a world of atrocity will be placed at his cloven hoof alone. Nuclear holocaust, population reduction by mass murder, WWIII … written in history as instigated by GW and his group of bad boys whose names will escape us, or number a small group of characters with 3 or 4 upfront doers (AIPAC chiefs, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc). We have been here, done that before (1930 to '45).

The wetwork clean-up necessitated by the fall guy Bush would take decades and alter global peonage dynamics, but particularly the "American way of life." Of course all cleaning would be under the direction and guidance of the rescuing good-guy elites, pretending they are as shocked and awed as the rest of us, as they sit in their global villas sorting out the pie pieces, taking on the responsibility of assuring the mangled masses that life will eventually return to tolerable. They will praise our sacrifices and talk of appreciating our efforts.

Fascism will become a warm fuzzy, marketed as corporate philanthropy, necessitated by the BushCo Fiasco. Talking heads will gently explain to us how there is no other way out of the situation we find ourselves in. Government control will be packaged as a reluctant but essential activity in these exceptional times of grief and chaos.

Our grandchildren will not remember the world any other way.

As stated here at KAB, the ruling elite have a plan and I see nothing to contradict the idea they are not on target. We the people are not creating obstacles for anyone. You can sign petitions, camp out in Crawford, vote Democrat, send notes to thank a couple of "leftwinger" pols – but you are not an obstacle. The same historical clans are controlling the show. As long as we continue to give blood and money, they will spend it.


Unknown said...

Well, thank you very much for the hopeful message!

Kate-A said...

Prepare for the worst - hope for the best.

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

Cheney would be what was left to us if bush was forced out. hmmm what a wondeful change.

Kate-A said...

lol. yea, GW isn't going anywhere. It's all noise for the gnattering masses. Twenty years from now he'll be as idolized as the "gipper" and described as tough on terror.

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