Friday, November 03, 2006

Under the Big Tent

Back in April of this year I watched the cliched, painfully gushing speeches and ribbon cutting dedication of GWB's "fully restored" childhood home in Midland.

Mom and dad Bush, and Laura were there, along with some of Midland's finest. And I thought, George W. Bush, the teflon bonesman, will enter history as a good guy, just as all presidents have before him, more or less.

Bush spent a long 5 years in the Midland house – now it's a holy shack/shrine, to be kept as an eternal tribute to #43 where the public can tour and touch history. Just thinking of the mindset of the sheep who would want a tour makes me queasy.

Junior couldn't be there but the little woman Laura made a brief speech, mentioning that "George didn't like to think of his childhood home as historic, yet" (laughter, applause). The dedication was sheer tacky tripe. I couldn't believe I watched. I may have been mesmerized by the aging and evil Poppy and Barb Bush, hypnotized by counting their liver spots.

But it all reminded me of my dad's disgust for the politics of his era. In particular, I now understand his firm, life-long contempt for one man. Harry Truman.

Nor did dad think much better of Franklin Roosevelt (pres. 1933-45). As Frankie was rewarded for pretending not to notice Euro-America corporatedom supporting, aiding, and abetting Hitler's Germany, today's globbed together corporations will reward GW too - by ensuring he is not remembered as a war criminal, but as the president who stopped Saddam. The War on Terror president. The devout Christian and family man president. The sometimes misunderstood president.

Franklin fell suddenly ill and died of a cerebral hemorrhage in April 1945 and a very nobody hick vice-president Truman, came into office to do the wet work for the global elite. Three months after taking office from a dead prez Truman dropped atomic bombs on Japan.

Cerebral hemorrhage or whipped by a pretzel – the PTB will have their way.

Forty or so years from now, per government's SOP, un-redacted reports will be released to "prove" the Bush administration were the good guys. (Why it takes so many years to create historical vindication is beyond me.)

My dad would rant and stride through the house using words and phrases a child shouldn't hear. The only time I heard him swear was in connection to Truman. For a while, as a child, I thought Harry Truman was a boss or co-worker of dad's as his contemptuous rants toward the man seemed quite personal. And now I have my own "truman" (Bush).

Truman and Roosevelt bedded with the Harrimans, Prescott Bush, Poppy, Rothchilds and Rockefellers, and dozens of others, as they are today. Behind the scenes the ruling elite stand in solidarity, passing knowledge and power from one generation of the selected few to the next.

The sheeple feed on television and state education and think they're knowledgeable, passing on the doctored history they're given; collective experience and wisdom lost on the next generation fortunate enough to be consumers, save a few who re-learn the same lessons as the few before them.

When scandals break the people believe it's higher-ups seeking to enlighten the masses – but it's just middlemen clearing out competition for their own climb upward. When pundits and eggheads say what fans want to hear – fans think it progress, but it's all carefully designed, a fancy meal fed to those who might be sharp enough to find a clue. And everyone thinks the political dumbass is not him, it's the other guy.

Sometimes I think, overall, we're getting exactly what we deserve.

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