But Wait Checkermates
A senior Republican senator, John Warner, last night urged President George Bush to begin bringing troops back from Iraq by Christmas, as US intelligence agencies published a bleak assessment of the chances of progress in the country in the next 12 months.
Mr Bush criticised the Iraqi president, Nouri al-Maliki on Tuesday, but 24 hours later in a piece of damage limitation, he praised him. Mr Maliki, on a visit to Syria, had said he could turn to friends elsewhere if the US ditched him - almost certainly a reference to Iran.----- "... US intelligence agencies published a bleak assessment ......."
..... this the same incompetent intel agencies who have admitted they bungled so much pre-9/11? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Nouri has been bee-bopping over to Iran quite a bit this past year, but Tehran is where he spent part of his years in exile from Iraq, so he has old friends there. Kinda makes a person wonder what were "they" thinking when they installed Maliki, buttbuddy of Ahmadinejad.
Lemme see if I have this straight now. The US progressive / Democrats / antiwar faction "wins" and the US pulls out of Iraq, then Afghanistan.
Al-Maliki, as stated, has no choice but to turn to friends in the region, Iran, Syria, Libya, etc. The ensuing bloodbath between Sunni and Shia demands intervention from somewhere, and China and/or Russia have so invested in Iran/Iraq that the US dare not intervene again in the region, dare they? Didn't China and Russia aid Vietnam way back when? Once again, the world plays chess and Amerikuns only know give-away checkers.
This could be leading up to the big one. US comes home, Russia/China step in. US forced to return to protect its friends Israel, Saudi, India, Egypt, Dubai, etc. Besides, gas is $9.00 a gallon at the pump as the US has fewer oily friends; President 4Life Hugo castrates the US supply.
But wait, can the US tolerate this geopolitical shift in fortunes? Voilà! Hillary has to declare WW3, 4, and 5.
But wait! That's impossible! The national treasury has been looted. Our military is weak, sapped, exhausted, spent, in tatters. Confrontation with anyone is no longer an option. Tuck in your tail, there will be no dogfight. National bankruptcy demands US neutrality.
But wait! If the fight is East versus West over the Middle East – and China the biggest factory on the plantation - which axis will Wal-mart align with? Will Americans be forced to give up affordable flip-flops and wife beater shirts? In the coming oil crunch will bicycle ownership become a status symbol?
Will the US have no friends in the world other than Euro-fops and millions of Mexican immigrants? Will the coming austerity put an end to illegal immigration? Cana-meri-mex
unite, we need your oil. Nogales – tear down that wall!
As the Muslim hoards advance, Cuba will be evacuated and replaced with Israel. The world must whip US to save us.
Let us sing and sway to camp songs and eat homegrown berries and resist the hardcore fascism that inevitably arises from economic depressions. Kumbahya my lord, kumbahya.
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