Dressed to Kill
Nice threads.
Mr. Hangman, is that a Caballero jacket?
Nice threads.
Mr. Hangman, is that a Caballero jacket?
Posted by
4:39 PM
The first Chinese cars could arrive in the U.S. in less than two years and be sold under an American brand name. Chrysler Group, the U.S. unit of DaimlerChrysler AG, said Friday that it has signed a letter of intent with Chinese manufacturer Chery Automobile Co. for Chery (pronounced "cherry") to build a small car that Chrysler will market in North America, Europe and elsewhere.
Chinese factories have the latest machine tools and assembly robots, plus the benefit of an extraordinarily low wage structure: less than $2 an hour, compared with about $28 an hour in U.S. plants.
Chery gets the benefit of coming to the U.S. under DaimlerChrysler's wing. Dodge is the brand most likely to sell the car, a subcompact that will be smaller and cheaper than the $13,575 Caliber, the smallest in the Chrysler Group lineup.
The company did not give details on the car or say when it would go on sale, but spokesman Jason Vines said it would arrive faster than the typical three-year lead time, meaning as soon as 2008.
Chrysler thus jumps to the head of the line to sell a Chinese vehicle in the U.S.
"It's inevitable that the Chinese will sell in the U.S. It's a matter of who and when," said George Peterson, president of industry forecaster Auto Pacific.
Peterson says the arrival of Chinese cars does not signal doom for the U.S. auto industry, but it will heighten the pressure to build vehicles at lower cost. He sees other domestic manufacturers following Chrysler and import vehicles from China.
"With the legacy costs they're carrying, that could force those companies to look offshore for more production," he said.
Peterson predicts that Chinese cars could start selling in "substantial volumes"--tens of thousands per year--by 2011 or 2012 in the U.S.
---- Also investing in China's booming auto industry are entrepreneur Malcolm Bricklin and the investment banking firm Allen & Co. Allen & Co., a blue-chip Manhattan is an investment firm whose clients include Disney, Coca-Cola, Universal Studios and billionaire investor Warren Buffett.
Bricklin is founder and CEO of the firm Visionary Vehicles.
Hopefully, 'made in China' cars, will partner with Wal-Mart's customer service desk to make returns for refund or exchange easier.
Posted by
8:19 AM
From MediaMatters: "The offensive, the senseless, the bigoted, the inaccurate: a year in right-wing nuttery."
Of course it's bigoted and nuttery coming from the likes of Ann "The Man" Coulter, Glenn "Limbaugh Lite" Beck, and Michael "Weiner" Savage, but I do not see the "outrageous, offensive, senseless, bigoted, inaccurate" as does MediaMatters in the following two:
William A. Donohue: "Well, look, there are people in Hollywood, not all of them, but there are some people who are nothing more than harlots. They will do anything for the buck. They wouldn't care. If you asked them to sodomize their own mother in a movie, they would do so, and they would do it with a smile on their face."
…. Donohue is correct. There are such celebrities. There are Hollywood hunks and he-men, some married with children, who would not only sodomize their own mother but their daddy too if it did anything for their careers. And Hollywomen who would do similar. (From my anonymous inside source.)
Fox News John Gibson: "Do your duty. Make more babies. That's a lesson drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days. First, a story yesterday that half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Hispanics call 'gabachos' -- white people -- are having fewer."
…. Gibson's right. Hispanics are procreating at a faster pace than Tyrone Black and Darrell White. Tyrone and Darrell best be learning Spanish early in school, just to keep up with my grandchildren who are bilingual.
Personally, the most outrageous, offensive, senseless, bigoted, inaccurate comments come from the mouths of politicians and professional experts, and from a widespread media picking at nits as if they matter.
Posted by
11:13 PM
Gerald R. Ford, lowly toteman on the political pole of grateful incompetents.
Seen at work in 1975 with his Chief of Staff Mr. "Donracula" Rumsfeld and his Deputy Chief of Staff - Mr. "Always a Bagman and Never the Prez" Dick Cheney.
Barbara Owens, speaking for the Military District of Washington, said Thursday the family asked for several elements of the traditional funeral procession to the Capitol to be excluded from the ceremonies. They are:
The caisson, a converted cannon wagon drawn by six horses of the same color. Ford's casket will be driven by hearse instead.
The riderless horse, which follows the caisson, with boots reversed in the stirrups of the empty saddle.
The flyover of 21 fighter aircraft, with one executing the "missing man" maneuver.
-- Jerry "the healer" Ford, a good ol' boy pratfalling through decades of assassinations, commissions, and coverups; a role model for yes-men everywhere.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Donald publicly smacks around Miss USA and Miss Nevada.
Miss USA weeps on cue, scrunching and quivering her face as any 3-year-old, yes yes, Daddy Donald rehab me, oooh rehab me, sniff.
Miss Tara Connor USA enters rehab in Pennsylvania.
"Trump says he plans to have Connor take regular drug tests and that her ordeal could actually help others in the same situation. He tells the New York's Daily News, "I don't think she's denying she is an alcoholic. She can be a great example for troubled people - and she's troubled."
Daddy Don will have Miss Tara pee for him because she's troubled.
The Donald gives Miss Nevada, Katie Rees, the heave-"ho". Katie's "I was only 17" excuse was no excuse with The Daddy. When asked why Miss Nevada doesn't get a second chance the Donald simply stated "Have you seen the pictures." (Pics here.)
While girl role models lick, slurp, gulp, snort, and clench - their tiaras, the Donald and Rosie argue the finer points of celebrity role modeling: "Who's your daddy?" and "Where's my money bitch?"
Posted by
9:08 AM
El Caganer –
"NB - The Spanish verb Cagar means literally to shit or to crap (not to defecate, that's another verb entirely), this actually being quite an acceptable word in everyday conversation …
El Caganer, a rather strange figure, has been a characteristic of Nativity scenes all over Catalonia for many years. No self- respecting Catalan Bethlehem scene would be complete without him! Nowadays he comes in many shapes and forms, from monks to shepherds, Barcelona or Madrid football players to famous film stars - all performing the exact same action - defecating. That's right! They are actually squatting down, with their trousers round their knees, having a bowel movement!
Although an integral and essential part of the Nativity scene, this colourful character is often difficult to spot. He is usually to be found in an ''outlying'' area - behind a suitably placed bush, for example - and not actually centre stage with the infant Jesus himself!
Their ''fertilizer'' enriches the earth around them, thus promising a buena cosecha (a good harvest) during the forthcoming year. This translates into a general good omen for the future. Upon purchasing a Caganer ... owning him will bring good luck and prosperity."
--- Gives me new respect for the term "holy shit".
Posted by
5:38 PM
Tehran, Dec 18, IRNA – "Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Davood Danesh-Jaafari had recently said that Iran is to follow a transaction mechanism on the basis of currencies other than the dollar in retaliation for the US anti-Iran banking policies.
"Since any transaction, made worldwide on the basis of dollar, should be checked in the Clearing House in New York, we decided in line with the government's policies to carry out transactions in other hard currencies," said Danesh-Jaafari in a press conference recently on the sidelines of an e-banking conference. He said Iran plans to minimize use of dollar in its hard currency basket as certain US banks tried to disrupt Iran's dollar-based transactions. He said the move taken by Iran's banking system will in the long-run downgrade the use of dollar as a hard currency. Elsewhere in his remarks, Sheibani put Iran's forex reserve fund assets at dlrs 10 billion."
-- How long is that run? A decade or less to dump those 10 billion reserve dollars? Does Danesh think the Euro is safer? As if the Europeon dollar is any less fiat than the US. Hey! Whatever happened to the Iranian oil bourse that was to create so much damage to the dollar?
W. Joseph Stroupe of GeostrategyMap "makes a brilliant case for sitting up and taking notice of how the Russian bear is opportunistically wrestling to divest the United States of its world hegemony."
Reading this guy could worry a person.
Joe includes Germany in Russia's circle of friends. "Some of the economies of the West, such as Germany, are being included within the developing circle. Outside the circle are those economies of the West that are to be left out of the growing international energy-security arrangements currently being constructed, as alluded to above. Interestingly, and as a profound new development, it isn't the United States that defines the path and scope of the circle. Instead, it is Russia and its strategic partners who are defining it."
Posted by
2:43 PM
Buffalo Soldier
No Woman No Cry
Posted by
9:35 PM
KAB Dung Award (and there's plenty of dung to make awards) goes to all those who believe the story on Flynt Leverett means anything. Flynt, is yet another "former" government official, diplomat, CIA analyst, scholar, etc. etc. and a senior fellow at Saban Center for Middle East Policy.
Saban Center, a "research organization established at the Brookings Institution in 2002 through the donation of nearly $13 million by the Israeli media-mogul Haim Saban. Its current director is the veteran pro-Israel lobbyist Martin Indyk, who had earlier founded the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an AIPAC spinoff, to counter the Brookings Institution which was seen as not pro-Israel enough."
Huh? Flynt is a fellow at Brookings/Saban and hence paid to research and offer "original and innovative programs" to promote understanding in the Middle East. Saban is currently run by a veteran lobbying pro, and founded by a media (propaganda) mogul. Surprise, surprise Gomer. It's the other asscheek.
Saban was protested a week or so ago because of Avigdor Lieberman attending the forum. He's the Israeli Minister for Strategic Affairs, and considered by some to be an anti-Arab racist. Ever trustworthy Hank Kissinger was to chair Lieberman's forum session as "Lieberman far outstrips Kissinger in the force of his rhetoric with his calls to drown Palestinian prisoners in the Dead Sea ... and his declaration that 90 percent of Arabs have no place in Israel but should "take their packages and go to hell."
Gotta respect folks who rub elbows with peace practitioner Kissinger and Brookings "liberals", right?
Institutes and Centers - where retiring assholes go after "distinguished" careers in service to the government. It's where they write articles and books on their subject of expertise and pretend familiarity in all things regarding the region of the world they write about, after a lifetime spent behind a desk developing hemorrhoids and flat butts, "studying" the writings of other assholes who came before them. It's a long line of desk jockeys with bad eyesight, no foresight, and paid too well for genuine hindsight; blinded by rhetoric, bloated salaries; gamers getting to the next play level. Supporting actors, extras in the political game, thousands of 'em.
But, I'm getting off subject. Leverett supposedly had a story that the "White House has now forced the CIA to heavily censor a 1000 word op-ed draft planned for the New York Times that is based on a much larger product he produced under the sponsorship of the Century Foundation titled "Dealing with Tehran: Assessing US Diplomatic Options Toward Iran."
"Leverett believes that the White House is now politicizing the "secrets review" process and is rewarding those who support Bush's policies and punishing those who don't."
LOL. Where's the outrage America? This man is being heavily censored, the trusty old NYT (tongue/cheek) is being forced to censor him. Good god people, there might be an original solution for the Middle East in those 1000 pointless words; produced for and by yet another "foundation" that will change not the status quo – just the other team bending us over for status quo-ing.
Posted by
7:18 PM
Title above a line from a B movie, Rising Storm.
Lead stories this week on the net was Lohan's DUI and Rosie's halfass apology for imitating the Chinese with "ching chong, chong, chong, chong." I'm not a fan of Rosie, can't stand her, but political correctness ex-spurts claim "ching chong chong" is a no-no.
Even Technorati's #2 search a couple of days ago was Britney's crotch. Heehaw. The netizens of the world are gonna whip the global ruling class on the information highway - just after they finish googling and star crotching.
Already, sites have initiated the hopeful hero cheerleading; from Kucinich to Edwards to Obama to Hillary. Rah rah rah go career toadies go - but change little for the average guy or gal. It's not the career suit or skirt, or name, who will "change" the status quo – but don't let the fools who vote figure that one out.
Next candidate, or crotch, get in line please.
And America's "left" has gotta love this one, (but it reminded me of the movie mentioned above), from Chavez, on the road with Hugo to a new order of worldly warm fuzzies:
"Venezuela's congress unanimously backed a law requiring two years of monthly community service by all citizens, as President Hugo Chavez expands his plans for "21st Century socialism" to create new grassroots groups."
National Service Act ring a bell?
Is that code for a thousand points of light or is that the ding-dong of old Poppy Bushspeak : "I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding … I will go to the people and the programs that are the brighter points of light … old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and pitching in."
Venezuela's networking goal : "Each network would devise and present its own community service plan to a new government agency coordinated by the existing Ministry for Popular Participation … Citizens who fail to participate would face fines, to be deducted from paychecks or charged in the form of additional service hours. Non-complying institutions could be fined at 20 times that rate. Penalties, collected by the national tax agency, would fund future social service programs."
We're all gonna be a shining star, or uh "popular participation" people, taking part and pitching in, spreading our bright lights (REVENUE, free labor).
Posted by
11:33 PM
Dec. 7 (Bloomberg) Investment bankers in Europe may lose a chunk of this year's record bonuses because the dollar's drop against European currencies will erode payouts that can account for as much as 90 percent of annual compensation.
"All big U.S. houses usually pay bonuses in dollars, and if you're in the U.K. or Europe it means you'll be hit quite badly at the moment," said James Heath, a London-based headhunter at Greenwich Partners, a financial-recruitment company.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch & Co., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos. plan to pay a record $36 billion in bonuses this year, according to company reports and analyst estimates. European staff who didn't link their bonuses to this year's average exchange rates have to contend with the dollar's 11 percent decline against the euro and 13 percent slide against the pound.
Managing directors who advise on mergers and acquisitions will get bonuses of $2.3 million on average, according to London- based recruiters at Global Sage Ltd. The dollar's decline against the pound may reduce the payments by as much as $300,000, or 153,000 pounds.
Even with the weak dollar, bonuses are "so large that they will still get a very significant amount," said Jonathan Said, senior economist at London-based Centre for Economics and Business Research Ltd. The payments will be up as much as 30 percent this year, according to a survey published Nov. 15 by London recruitment firm Armstrong International.
Posted by
12:32 PM
"The European commission's German vice-president Günter Verheugen was battling to save his reputation today after photos emerged of him relaxing on the beach with his female chief of staff wearing only a baseball cap.
Senior officials inside the commission say Mr Verheugen, one of the key members of the EU's executive body, has become distracted and less visible in recent months, and not wholly focused on his job of leading the drive against red tape.
Government figures in Berlin have come out in support of their most senior representative in Brussels, whom they hope will be a key figure when Germany assumes the EU presidency on January 1. The foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has dubbed Mr Verheugen, a fellow Social Democrat, an "irreplaceable Brussels heavyweight"."
-- Verheugen is a "heavyweight" ? From the looks of it Mr. V. has been sucking on that red tape. Creepy. If Günter's physical appearance is the aftereffect of the master race idea, the Germans seriously needs to implement interracial dating.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Iraq Study Group (old men fondling themselves and the public) : "The high-level panel's blunt unanimous review has placed enormous pressure on Bush to implement policies he once rejected, including engaging U.S. enemies in direct diplomacy to help stabilize Iraq and reprisals if the Iraqi government doesn't meet certain milestones."
--- "Reprisals" ? as in what ? the "Coalition" will resort to force, create chaos, steal their oil? Are we on the same planet?
"U.S. officials should immediately launch a major diplomatic offensive in the Middle East and hold talks with Iran and Syria, said the Iraq Study Group, and revert to a support role in Iraq by shifting more combat troops to act as advisers and trainers in the Iraqi army."
--- The Viet backassward Nam approach, use "advisers" after launching war rather than before.
"The panel didn't provide a specific timetable for withdrawal but said it should be accelerated if the Iraqi government doesn't make substantial internal progress."
--- No timetable but 79 problem solving ways "forward" or - look busy, the peasants are watching.
"There's no magic formula or guarantee of success in Iraq, said the 10-member panel, even if all of its 79 recommendations for stabilizing the country are effectively implemented in a co-ordinated way."
--- Not 1 of those 79 recommendations said bring them home now. "Gradual pullout" but no mention for what generation that takes place.
Iraq Panel/Study Group --- Damage control Bubba, perverts fondling your mind. A show panel of pretenders pretending to "pressure" Bush with one old woman (Sandra Day O') and a Black guy (Jordan) paneled for good measure. Not an Arab or Muslim or leftist in the bunch.
--- And, for more fondling, US President "George W. Bush's nominee to be secretary of defense said on Tuesday that the US is not winning the war in Iraq, and that failure there could help ignite "a regional conflagration" in the Middle East. Robert Gates, who will succeed Donald Rumsfeld as Pentagon chief if he is confirmed as expected, told senators that the US went to war in Iraq without enough troops, as some generals said at the outset of the conflict."
--- Rummy's replacement, Robert Gates, received a warm bipartisan welcome home to the halls of power. (Equivalent to replacing John Wayne Gacy with Jeffrey Dahmer as headmaster of the boys dorm.)
--- And, look how much Silvestre Reyes wanted that chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee, as he is now calling for more troops in Iraq to whip them there militias.
Reyes: "We’re not going to have stability in Iraq until we eliminate those militias, those private armies,” Reyes said. “We have to consider the need for additional troops to be in Iraq, to take out the militias and stabilize Iraq … We certainly can’t leave Iraq and run the risk that it becomes [like] Afghanistan” was before the 2001 invasion by the United States."
--- As if invading Afghanistan was a wise decision. Ya wanna see a drastic drop in heroin profits again? As if the mostly Anglo World hasn't already hired its own 100,000+ man "private armies" of contractors, cops, cooks, mechanics, and day laborers in Iraq? Ya wanna put these folks and the corporations who hire them out of work?
But, most important - it almost looks like everyone in DC is going to just all get along. Reaching across the aisle, working together to solve this mess; whew, sigh of relief, everything will be okie dokie Bubba.
I've never seen so much fondling of the public in my life, it's a bi-political pornocopia.
Posted by
11:17 PM
TALLAHASSEE - Former President George Bush, visiting Florida in his son's final days as governor, broke into tears of pride Monday when he recalled how Jeb Bush handled an unsuccessful gubernatorial bid in 1994. "He didn't whine about it," Bush said of his son, his voice beginning to crack. "And he didn't complain." (Knowing DaddyCo would give him the goobernatorial later and el presidente soon.)
As he struggled to stop crying, he joked that his wife, Barbara, "will bawl me out for breaking up." (Babs the bawlbuster.)
Jeb Bush then came to his father's side, receiving a light admonishment from his father. (Don't we look like real human beings boy?)
"I can do this," he said, then added as his son threw an arm around him, "I love this guy." (It's GW junior I gladly sacrifice on the altar of NWO, aka New International Order.)
The audience rose in extended applause. (Yes, people really are that stupid.)
Posted by
10:19 AM
Dec. 4 (Bloomberg) -- "Bank of New York Co. agreed to buy Mellon Financial Corp. for about $17.6 billion, creating the biggest custodian of assets for institutional investors almost a decade after Mellon rejected an unsolicited bid from the bank.
The stock swap will link New York's oldest bank, founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1784, with the Pittsburgh-based institution that helped finance the steel industry in the 1900s. The new company will safeguard $16.6 trillion in securities for investors, topping JPMorgan Chase & Co. as the world's largest custody bank, and will be the fifth-largest U.S. money manager, with $1.1 trillion in assets.
Company Assets
Bank of New York Mellon Corp. ......... $16.6 trillion
JPMorgan Chase & Co. ....................... $12.9 trillion
State Street Corp. .............................. $11.27 trillion
Citigroup Inc. .................................... $ 9.6 trillion
BNP Paribas SA ................................. $ 4.56 trillion
Historical tidbits about the Bank of New York and Alexander Hamilton:
The Bank of New York, opened on June 9, 1784, created by private investors and chartered (underwritten) by The Bank of England. It was the first bank in New York City.
Alexander Hamilton's tenure in Washington's cabinet was also marked by the development of partisan disagreement with Thomas Jefferson. Much to the president's disappointment, the Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans divided public opinion throughout the country, especially over implied powers and states' rights. Hamilton resigned in 1785.
In 1789, Hamilton was appointed the nation's first Secretary of the Treasury, a position from which he issued bold ideas and a string of deeply insightful reports. His Report on Public Credit was followed by examinations of revenue generation, the establishment of a central bank, creation of a mint, and an analysis of manufacturing.
Working in concert with Hamilton, Aaron Burr helped to secure a charter and raise subscriptions for a private company to improve the water supply of pestilence-ridden Manhattan, but New Yorkers were shocked to learn that the surplus capital from the venture had been used to establish the Bank of Manhattan (renamed the Bank of New York). The Bank of New York was created by Hamilton and other wealthy New York investors that included Burr and the Bank of England. It was, and is still, underwritten by the Bank of England and was later chartered by the Congress as the First Bank of the United States.
The Bank won a 20-year charter from Congress that was rescinded in 1811, due to its association with the Bank of England, tight monetary policies, and competition with state chartered banks. Some accused it of corruption, but it survived and continues to operate independently.
In 1913, the Bank of New York became the controlling bank of America's central banking scheme, the Federal Reserve System.
"Founding fathers" yeeharr.
Posted by
5:52 PM
Nancy Pelosi's choice for house intelligence committee chairman, Silvestre Reyes.
"I always look back and am amused," Reyes said, recalling his school days. "I was tagged as (one day) being a chicken farmer (and) a high school counselor said I was good with my hands and could be a welder."
(It is said a counselor suggested to Malcolm X that he choose a career that entailed being good with his hands. Once my oldest daughter, when 17, somehow had an ITT rep come to the house to pitch the idea of a "career in technology" after training with ITT Technical Institute. Her brothers and I listened from the top of the stairs and when the salesman asked my daughter if she was good with her hands we rolled on the floor choking, laughing, and whispering that the girl couldn't pick up a broom or boil water and we were certain she had no manual dexterity. Fortunately, today she's executive director of a not-for-profit NGO, look ma – no hands.)
Rep. Reyes "repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on issues through the 2006 national political awareness test when asked to do so" by the folks over at Project Vote Smart.
Reyes made only a Final Score of 50/135 or 37% over at The Peace Majority site.
And, then there's that thing with his kids. Rebecca Reyes' rise in the corporate world of security contractors. It might just be coincidence but the manager of the border security project was Rebecca Reyes, who is now director of policy, procedures and administration at L-3 subsidiary, MPRI." And daddy does vote "yes" on those Homeland Security Appropriations Acts along with the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act.
(L-3 gobbled Titan now known as L-3 Titan Group.)
Silvestre Jr., was also hired to work as a technician. I wonder if he graduated ITT. There may be a Texas political career in junior's future.
Posted by
2:12 PM
December 3, 2006
Federal authorities are investigating an Iraqi power plant deal involving Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a former top fund-raiser for Gov. Blagojevich charged with defrauding Illinois taxpayers.
Investigators want to talk to Iraq's jailed former electricity minister, Aiham Alsammarae, about how Rezko landed the potentially lucrative contract, a source familiar with the probe told the Chicago Sun-Times. Alsammarae, who holds dual U.S.-Iraqi citizenship and has a house in Oak Brook, helped Rezko get the deal, another source said.
Rezko and others in the venture were to own the plant and sell electricity back to the Iraqis, but the Iraqi government still was to pay a substantial portion of construction costs, that source added.
The contract, negotiated in 2004, no longer is in effect. It is unknown how much money, if any, Rezko made.
Alsammarae, 55, attended the Illinois Institute of Technology with Rezko in the late 1970s and early 1980s and went on to own an engineering firm in Downers Grove.
From Oak Brook to Iraqi Cabinet to prison.
Since leaving Oak Brook in 2003 to become Iraq's minister of electricity, Aiham Alsammarae has seen his fortunes rise and fall.
- September 2004: Electrical power systems improve from pre-war days, the New York Times reports, but renewed violence wipes out those gains.
- June 2005: Now out of the Iraqi Cabinet, Alsammarae, a Sunni, announces he's forming a group to bridge the political gap between Sunni insurgents and Iraq's Shiite-led government. He claims to have talked to insurgent groups.
- February 2006: One of the groups Alsammarae said he'd talked to takes credit for trying to kill him in a roadside bomb attack in Baghdad. He's OK, but two bodyguards in his convoy are wounded.
- August 2006: Alsammarae turns himself in to fight corruption charges. His family says he's detained for political reasons.
- October 2006: Iraqi news outlets report that U.S. forces are trying to help Alsammarae escape Iraqi custody. The U.S. State Department declines to comment.
SOURCE: News reports.
--- In other news, vultures for TPTB continue circling over the carcass of Iraq.
Posted by
8:53 AM
Barack Obama, the fastest falling star of the "left" has had November woes. "Obama would be wise to explain, fully and quickly, the prelude to a real estate deal and subsequent transactions related to his acquisition of a $1.65 million home on Chicago's South Side. If Obama doesn't shine his own spotlight on his real estate relationship with indicted political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, he'll be fielding questions about Rezko in two years and in 20." (Foto AP/Randy Squires)
Obama made the purchase to enlarge the yard around his south-side Chicago mansion. Rezko had purchased the neighboring lot the same day Obama purchased his mansion. Shortly afterwards Rezko was putting a fence up, city ordinance I think, and Obama made the deal to purchase 1/6 of the lot to "balance out" his yard from the fence. "Rezko, however, was the one who was to pay for the fence, although that $14,000 bill has not been paid, the fence company told the Tribune."
And Obama, as all good neighbors across America … "pays his landscaper to mow Rezko's 7,500-square-foot yard. Obama said that he intends to have the landscaper figure out a pro-rata cost for that mowing and send that bill to Rezko, but that he hasn't yet done so."
"Consider just how meteoric Obama's rise has been. In 2000, he lost badly to Bobby Rush in the Democratic primary in Illinois 1st Congressional District. Four years later, with only about a month left in the 2004 Democratic Senate primary, Obama was running tied with Dan Hynes for second place, ten points behind gazillionaire Blair Hull - until the frontrunner's campaign imploded in mid-to-late February amid revelations his wife had filed a restraining order against him for abuse (I think he admitted kicking her in the shin during a spat, if I recall). Barring that last minute turn of events, Obama would still be an Illinois State Senator and two-time loser for higher office that no one in the country had ever heard of."
Maybe Obama owes his meteor in part to "Tony" Rez, the Chicago area political fundster and moneyraiser indictee. "Rezko and his companies donated nearly $20,000 to Obama's state Senate races and federal fund. Obama has said he would divest the federal donation." (Approx. $11,000 by some reports.)
"Obama's defenders say Rezko's quick purchase of the property next to Obama shows just how far he'll go to literally get next to public officials." Purchased on the same day Obama purchased his home, maybe Barack mentioned it to Rezko in passing.
I believe "Tony" is currently out on bail, (for a while his whereabouts unknown, suggestions of back to his native Syria) after the indictment for shakedowns, kickbacks, extortion, etc. (The public is reminded that an indictment contains only charges and is not evidence of guilt.) Charges courtesy of none other than Patrick J. "Fitzmas" Fitzgerald (another former "left" hero).
"Tony" Rezko incidentally has/had friends in high places. For instance, "Messrs. Rezko and A. (censored) were introduced several years ago by a mutual acquaintance in London. They teamed up recently on a $150 million contract to build a power plant in Iraq. Mr. Rezko, a close confidante and fundraiser for Gov. Rod Blagojevich, arranged for Mr. N.A. to meet the Governor and State Senate President Emil Jones on a visit to the U.S. last year."
And to make matters worse, Tony is facing lawsuits from Chicago Riverside Investments LLC, managed by Muhamad Dabbouseh, over the Near South Side development, and in October another investor sued Mr. Rezko, claiming he's "owed millions of dollars and a stake in Mr. Rezko's Panda Express food chain business."
Tony's Riverside development plans " fizzled last year after Mr. Rezko, an adviser and fund-raiser for Gov. Rod Blagojevich, became embroiled in a minority contracting scandal, imperiling the development’s chances of getting as much as $140 million in city tax subsidies. Last fall Mr. Rezko’s partnership sold the property for $130.5 million to a company led by Iraqi-born British billionaire "you know who.
The point of the story? I dunno. Maybe just to skirt around the name of billionaire you know who or maybe to point out that Obama's "poverty to prominence" rise may be politically stained because he was caught giving a mowjob.
Posted by
1:41 AM
Cindy says impeachment the most important issue the new congress should put on the table.
Cindy says: "Bringing Articles of Impeachment against BushCo will not only bring resolution and justice to our nation and the world, but if this regime is made to be held accountable for their crimes and abuses of power, then future administrations may be slower to commit such blatant and belligerent crimes and the world will be a safer and more peaceful place."
Yep, future pols may be slower to bend us over and will use a velvet condom when they do. Make future administrations less blatant with their crimes. After the impeachment of Nixon did it not give us a dozen years of good lovin' from Reagan/Bush? And while everyone sat in the theater impeaching "Crooked Weenie" Clinton were TPTB setting the stage for current events?
Impeach 'em all with misconduct in office - before our next bufuing.
Yessirree, bring on the resolution. Impeachment love you long time, and possibly a few nickels wage hike for bending over. Wham, bam, thank you man.
Posted by
11:11 AM
Nov 29, 2006 "BAE Systems saw its shares climb 2.3% in London on Wednesday after the weapons company announced a deal with the U.S. Army.
The company confirmed it had received contract modifications worth $1.16 billion from the U.S. Army TACOM Life Cycle Management Command -- one of the force's largest weapon systems research, development, and sustainment organizations -- to remanufacture and upgrade 610 Bradley Combat System vehicles and to provide spare components.
Media reports said that work on the contracts will begin immediately, with deliveries scheduled to begin in April 2008 and run through April 2009.
BAE purchased United Defense Industries, the maker of the Bradley fighting vehicles, in June 2005 to become the U.S. Pentagon's seventh-biggest contractor. In September, BAE said first-half profit rose 28% on sales of Bradleys to the U.S.
"Bradleys have been delivering excellent capability to our war fighters since March 2003,'' said Andy Hove, BAE Systems' director of Bradley Combat Systems, in a statement.
Shares of BAE Systems fell 4.4% on Monday on reports it might lose a Eurofighter deal with Saudi Arabia if a fraud probe was extended to the Saudi royal family. The Sunday Telegraph newspaper said the Saudi government would scrap its Eurofighter Typhoon agreement with Britain and give the jets contract to France if the U.K.'s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) poked their noses into Swiss bank accounts allegedly linked to members of the Saudi royal family."
--- War ! huh ! yeah what is it good for ....
Posted by
9:49 PM
Did you do this when Clinton or Bush or Reagan won?
Posted by
2:16 PM
Subtitle: Auchi Still At It
Received an email today from Harjinder Obhi, London based attorney for Google, with fuzzy threats of lawsuits, forcing my identity be disclosed, potential shutdown of Kate/A/Blog, etc. etc.
I'm working on a post and scanning today's documents although above lawyer used an extra brain cell and marked his email communication as "LEGALLY PRIVILEGED" I suppose in hopes I'm so scared I will not scan and publish. Oh ye of little faith in Kate's nerve.
Mr. Obhi politely tells me if Auchi files suit, Google will be forced to produce information about me, emails, IP addresses, ISP information, etc. etc. etc. and that once my identity is known I will be formally added to the lawsuit.
And Mr. O. was nice enough to make it easy on me, by suggesting I send him my phone contact information and the best time to reach me to discuss this situation. Hahahaha. Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck? Sure honey child, here's my phone number, address, SSN, banking info, weight, and dress size.
Oh, and Carter-Ruck did not at all like my response posted to their first threat. Geeze, you just can't please some people.
Now my eldest daughter suspects I am withholding information, wants to know what I know that I'm not telling, that may get us all killed.
50,000,000+ blogs around the world and they walk into mine. The story of my life.
Background posts: September 2005 and November 2006.
Posted by
12:43 PM
(AP) LONDON "Within the next 25 years, AIDS is set to join heart disease and stroke as the top three causes of death worldwide, according to a study published online Monday. When global mortality projections were last calculated a decade ago, researchers had assumed the number of AIDS cases would be declining. Instead, it's on the rise."
(Bloomberg) -- "The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has more money to spend fighting AIDS and other global health menaces this year, partly because of better returns from its investments in U.S. drug companies. The gain illustrates a symbiosis between the foundation and drug companies. In backing programs to fight disease, the charity is, indirectly, a buyer of medicines. It boosts the fortunes of drugmakers -- and how they fare, in turn, helps determine how fast the foundation grows."
LONDON March 2006 - "Former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday called for mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS in countries with high infection rates and the means to provide lifesaving drugs. Since leaving the White House Clinton has devoted much of his attention to getting anti-AIDS drugs to poor countries at the cheapest possible prices through the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative."
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is poised to issue new recommendations for testing for HIV in adults, adolescents, and pregnant women. Frustrated that more than 25 percent of Americans with HIV infection are unaware of their status and that almost 40 percent of those with newly diagnosed AIDS discover that they are infected less than a year before diagnosis, officials have proposed that HIV screening be routinely offered in all health care settings.
--- There's discussion in my state of mandatory AIDS/HIV testing to acquire a driver license, at an "affordable" fee of course. REVENUE and mo' money for TPTB. It's time for that bird flu epidemic too.
Geeze, I can remember when cancer was the disease they swore to conquer and cure. Aren't we overdue for another "breakthrough" miracle drug that doesn't live up to its promise? That reminds me, I've never had a flu shot - and have never had the flu. Go figure.
Posted by
10:36 PM
The poisoning death of ex-Soviet KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko.
"Litvinenko, 43, a Kremlin critic, died Thursday night of heart failure from what doctors said was poisoning from polonium-210 — a radioactive element usually produced in a nuclear reactor or particle accelerator. Litvinenko had told friends and family he was poisoned because he was investigating the killing in Moscow last month of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, a vocal Kremlin critic.
In the 1990s, he alleged that the FSB was involved in executing businessmen and other public officials opposed by the government. After a nine-month stint in prison in 1999 for abuse of office, he moved to Britain."
--- Polonium-210 is also seen in the urine and blood of heavy tobacco users. And what exactly is meant by "abuse of office"?
Falling Out With the Kremlin
"Like a plot straight out of the Cold War, the poisoning death of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko has put a murky spotlight on Vladimir Putin. Fiercely critical of the Kremlin, Litvinenko had said publicly that he once refused orders to assassinate business tycoon Boris Berezovsky."
--- Berezovsky is alive and well with a 30 million dollar home in the south of France and offices in London. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta "The killing of Litvinenko could have been orchestrated by his associate Boris Berezovsky in order to discredit Russian authorities."
Is that any way to treat someone who refused to kill you?
But, we know oligarchs eat their own when need be. Litvinenko was little more than a gnat on Putin's porkchop, and his death much more useful to the Russian Euro-exiles who wannabe ruling.
Cui bono?
Posted by
9:31 PM
From an open letter of Michael Moore: "Tomorrow marks the day that we will have been in Iraq longer than we were in all of World War II.
That's right. We were able to defeat all of Nazi Germany, Mussolini, and the entire Japanese empire in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown Baghdad."
--- The above meme has to be the most stupid yet of this decade. (Moore goes on with other talking points for simpleminded folks but I won't bother listing them all today, i.e. he fails to mention that we did indeed stay in German, Italy, Japan and "help" them set up governments to US liking.)
We have fought in Iraq longer than we fought WW II but we have not fought in the manner of which we fought WW II :
Total Axis Powers dead (them) : 8,268,000
Total Allied Powers dead (us) : 40,000,000 give or take a few million.
Perhaps if the Moore-ish memesters want to compare length of winning WW II they should also compare methods used to win it ...
Posted by
11:28 AM
Rangel's argument for a military draft seems to be the belief that it would curb the government's taste for war, and spread the burden to all classes of society. Charlie's leadership in the War on Drugs has gone so well (hahaha cough, cough) he's been selected to lead the Fight For More Fodder.
The last 60 years of history says differently about mandatory military service but perhaps Rangel is hopeful that this war is different, this time the draft will equalize, this time the social pecking order of the pragmatic ruling elite will send the dimmest of their sons en masse (all 10 or 12 of 'em) to the Middle East for the "cause".
The affluent class will continue to purchase "get our of war free" cards for their spawn, or safe duty stations around the globe. The "burden" will still fall to the poor and working classes, with a couple of big-namers to trot out as proof that the higher-ups are doing their duty too. Mandatory service will never end corporatoguvnment's appetite for war profits, if anything, more fodder will only increase it.
I am not against a draft, however. I see too many youths whose future is little more than a lifetime on momma's couch or a cot on cell block C. (Engineered that way?)
But, are the social peckers higher on the ladder aware that more than half of the future fodder to be targeted can't pass a military physical? A couch potato generation of recruits will need to be starved on fat farms before boot camp. And being forced into unwanted service how many would be whipped into shape? A hungry person can be quite cranky and obstinate.
Even if a small percentage of drafted obese/overweight fodder can be physically fitted, there's the accompanying health damage that must be dealt with : asthma, high blood pressure, damaged joints and cartilage, flatfeet, and more often than not the emotional problems that created the fattest generation for corporate products and goods. Maybe Big Pharma has a solution.
Rather like TPTB have created a nation of fatted Frankenconsumers and now need to press their monster into service. We all know how that story ends.
Posted by
9:32 AM
The latest phrase for discussing the Iraq War, per the ruling class and the media they own, is to refer to such murder and mayhem as finding/working "a way forward".
A way forward. Positive sounding.
A way forward. Sounds favorable, certain, hopefully expectant. Onward soldiers marching ... forward.
Some folks would have sworn before elections they heard talk of "withdrawal" and "redeployment" and "ending" the war. But dear leaders really meant to say working "a way forward".
Could that be considered blowing smoke up your butt?
Urban Dictionary: Giving a gratuitous and insincere compliment, possibly to deceive. (Can be my, your, his, or her ass, but probably not plural, as in their asses.) Most literally translating to "trying to get a reaction" out of somebody. Originated from a 16th century technique to determine death by literally blowing tobacco smoke into someone's anus (through a long pipe) - where a reaction indicated that the person was still alive.
Posted by
8:10 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - "Nearly all air travelers entering the U.S. will be required to show passports beginning Jan. 23, including returning Americans and people from Canada and other nations in the Western Hemisphere.
The date was disclosed Tuesday by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in an interview with The Associated Press. The Homeland Security Department plans to announce the change on Wednesday.
The Homeland Security Department estimates that about one in four Americans has a passport. Some people have balked at the $97 price tag.
The Sept. 11 Commission said in its report, "For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons."
The commission recommended strengthening security of travel documents. A 2004 law passed by Congress mandated the change to require passports as the only acceptable travel document, with few exceptions, but the exact date had been in question."
--- Now before yelling about fascism and tyranny and all that – remember the foremost reason the government does anything - REVENUE. As a side note, or question, you didn't really believe all that hype about USA Ronnie winning the "cold war" did you?
Posted by
8:03 PM
If Michael "Kramer" Richards at his age can't handle a heckler he should stick to pre-written lines on sitcoms. This may shock a few, but I, Kate, have never seen an episode of Seinfeld. I feel so alone.
The hecklers were correct. Kramer Michael is not funny. A washed up has been comic, made wealthy by Hollywood writers where onscreen talent is the least requirement of what makes a star a star.
Many Richards fans will twist and parse the tirade and excuse it, justify it. He was provoked and lost his cool, etc. Richards can play dumb, or play heckling victim, announce he's bipolar and off his meds, claim temporary insanity – but even the dullest nitwit knows the Laugh Factory tirade was a glimpse of the real Richards.
That's "what happens when you interrupt a white man, pal."
Let's broadcast "Stick a fork in it" Richards, OJ "If I Did It", and "Jews Cause All Wars" Gibson together in small hut with Ka-Bar knives discussing race, religion, and crime for a few weeks. Call it reality TV.
Posted by
8:49 AM
SAN FRANCISCO Nov 19, 2006 (AP)— Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter. The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
"The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it," Reffell said Sunday. "Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change." The couple have studied evolutionary psychology and believe that war is mainly an outgrowth of men trying to impress potential mates, a case of "my missile is bigger than your missile," as Reffell put it.
By promoting what they hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get people to channel their sexual energy into something more positive.
--- Some folks have their hands on too much time.
Sounds to me like Donna and Paul have studied evolutionary bellybutton babble and are in a constant orgasmic state of mind which by their own definition is – peacefully blank. Poor woman, who's gonna tell her if she feels "peace" during an orgasm that's not an orgasm.
Reducing the misery of the world to a few seconds of cum. No food, don't have shoes, dodging bullets and mayhem, children dying - here - have a global orgasm. How self-indulgently Californian.
Are we there yet?
Posted by
9:24 PM
Henry Kissinger, permanent member of living liars club, tells us military victory is no longer possible in Iraq. Or at least that's ABC/AP's interpretation of a recent Kissinger interview. (Foto Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg)
"A dramatic collapse of Iraq whatever we think about how the situation was created would have disastrous consequences for which we would pay for many years and which would bring us back, one way or another, into the region," he said.
Kissinger, whose views have been sought by the Iraqi Study Group, led by former Secretary of State James Baker III (one of Poppy's errand boys), called for an international conference bringing together the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Iraq's neighbors including Iran and regional powers like India and Pakistan to work out a way forward for the region.
Basically - nevermind how we got into Iraq, it's win now or come back later or second choice (same as the first), and the current method being tried, force the Iraqi people to accept that Iraq as they knew it is over, gone, finished.
Iraq will be one large oil well with "regional powers," Iraqi elite exiles, and international whitetrash forevermore disbursing and distributing the oily payoffs . And it will be called VICTORY goshdammit. The ruling elite dream too. And threaten with subtle statesmanship : win now or you coalition of little grunts will be back here shitting in the sand again instead of on these bases the nice American taxpayers built.
Pulling Kissinger out as expert advisor, former "architect of the Vietnam war," is like asking Charles Manson to give advice on family dynamics, indicating the powers that be (TPTB) have intermarried and bred for far too many centuries. Dumbed down doesn't apply just to the little sheople.
"Enter into dialogue with Iran" Kissinger tells us. Duh. Was that the plan all along? Global white power prefers and protects, even creates, oppressive regimes, and as I've said before, Poppy Bush and crew have long appreciated the Iranian government's "help" in the region.
If the situation works out the way Kissinger and his kind dream of - then the US/Euro bosses and dons will eventually play good guys in history and on TV (as usual); Arab lackeys in the region will regularly transfer the agreed upon monies to royal accounts; jet to visit one another to wine, dine, and laugh at the little people who do whine incessantly about a world of profitable chaos.
Joe Average Iraqi will retire to his mud hut with a TV and cell phone and accept his fate. Drugs from the Afghani 'hood, porno of blonde girls, and killing for playstations will replace jihad ideology. Some day, the customer service voice setting up your DSL will be a former "insurgent" working a 12 hour shift for Microsoft, ATT, etc., or a bill collector wanting that $5000 plus interest and fees on the defaulted Visa card your wife maxed out while you were serving in the Green Zone.
"Progressive" folks can earnestly get back to demanding marriage for gays and rights for illegal aliens – oops, 'cuse me, no human is illegal, just immigrants here for the declining American way of life and "to do the jobs Americans won't."
Or worse, "progressives" can waste thousands of hours and millions of dollars trying to punish a couple of members from the ruling class, and call it VICTORY for the little people.
God, it all reads like winning poetry to the global elite.
Posted by
5:42 PM
Regular readers are aware I am anti-medicating, when possible. However, I will vouch for this one, used sparingly. Please heed precautions and possible side effects though.
Posted by
2:54 PM
"News" just seems so repetitive, different name or two and face, but same old same old business as usual.
Therefore, I'll repeat myself.
Posted by
10:49 AM
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Claims to have mobilized 12,000 fighters.
Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Muhajir the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq also claims:
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel" the al-Qaeda in Iraq leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections," he said.
"We call on the lame duck (Bush) not to hurry up in escaping the same way the defense minister did," he said, referring to the removal of Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary following the Democrats' victory in Midterm elections.
"They are getting ready to leave, because they are no longer capable of staying," the al-Qaeda leader said.
"Remain steadfast in the battlefield you coward," he called on the U.S president.
--- Ya really think Abu Ayyub doesn't know the Dems support Israel as much as the Reps? Has Abu not studied the democrats voting record on all things Israel, the campaign contributions and attendee lists to Jewish pac-parties and events? The same bootlicking democrats who have voted nearly unanimously for BushCo policies and appropriations for years?
American people smart, democrats reasonable, yea. Bush supports Israel, betrays American people. Sounds like Abu Ayyub has been reading the American "alternative" webworld.
Can you see Abu Ayy using the term "lame duck"?
Who writes this Hollywood B movie shit? There really should be an oversight committee on these scripts.
(And note, Abu Scriptor includes a taunting talking point for republican American cowboys, i.e. remain steadfast, as cut and run from the battlefield makes an incompetent coward, do you wanna be seen that way America?)
Posted by
10:15 AM
A few headlies (headlines):
Democrats Take House!
Democrats Given Mandate!
Democrats sweep House, Senate hangs in balance!
Midterms: Democrats Celebrate Victory!
Hillary Declares "We"ve Taken Back America"!
Bush, Stung By Election Loss!
Seismic Shift in DC!
One guess as to who really gets shifted and stung.
Don't you trust the voting process now; is not your faith in the election process restored? The election was so close in some areas that political analysts were analying and white-knuckling returns all night long. A cliffhanger. Rah rah rah, red, blue, red blue, and a Black guvnor too.
Nancy Pelosi tee-heeing all the way to the House tells us "the people have spoken" while reminding everyone impeachment talk is not on the agenda. She and her compadres will bring back integrity, and fiscal responsibility to government, and do it with bipartisanship (hail hail the gang's all here). She says it's a new direction.
It's the other cheek on the corporate ass. Hooyah.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Deandre Brunston, age 24, shot at 81 times by the police, struck by 22 bullets. The policemen's bullets also struck a police dog, the dog died after being airlifted to a hospital. Brunston bled out at the scene. The incident took place in August 2003 in Compton. Brunston was unarmed and according to reports was holding a flip-flop he had found on the porch. Brunston had said he would surrender if he could speak to his pregnant girlfriend Fonda.
Posted by
6:33 PM
"Latin American and Caribbean nations unanimously endorsed Panama on Friday as their candidate for a two-year U.N. Security Council seat after weeks of deadlock between Venezuela and U.S.-backed Guatemala.
The deadlock was broken on Wednesday after Venezuela and Guatemala agreed to withdraw their candidacies for the coveted seat and threw their support behind Panama."
Hmmm. So the anti-imperialist anti-Bush Hugo Chavez backs Panama, the little Columbian drug smuggling conduit and money laundering nation that Daddy BushCo took possession of in 1989, after capturing good buddy turned arch enemy, Manny Noriega.
Columbia, Panama, Venezuela. I think they got another trifecta.
Posted by
2:22 AM
Back in April of this year I watched the cliched, painfully gushing speeches and ribbon cutting dedication of GWB's "fully restored" childhood home in Midland.
Mom and dad Bush, and Laura were there, along with some of Midland's finest. And I thought, George W. Bush, the teflon bonesman, will enter history as a good guy, just as all presidents have before him, more or less.
Bush spent a long 5 years in the Midland house – now it's a holy shack/shrine, to be kept as an eternal tribute to #43 where the public can tour and touch history. Just thinking of the mindset of the sheep who would want a tour makes me queasy.
Junior couldn't be there but the little woman Laura made a brief speech, mentioning that "George didn't like to think of his childhood home as historic, yet" (laughter, applause). The dedication was sheer tacky tripe. I couldn't believe I watched. I may have been mesmerized by the aging and evil Poppy and Barb Bush, hypnotized by counting their liver spots.
But it all reminded me of my dad's disgust for the politics of his era. In particular, I now understand his firm, life-long contempt for one man. Harry Truman.
Nor did dad think much better of Franklin Roosevelt (pres. 1933-45). As Frankie was rewarded for pretending not to notice Euro-America corporatedom supporting, aiding, and abetting Hitler's Germany, today's globbed together corporations will reward GW too - by ensuring he is not remembered as a war criminal, but as the president who stopped Saddam. The War on Terror president. The devout Christian and family man president. The sometimes misunderstood president.
Franklin fell suddenly ill and died of a cerebral hemorrhage in April 1945 and a very nobody hick vice-president Truman, came into office to do the wet work for the global elite. Three months after taking office from a dead prez Truman dropped atomic bombs on Japan.
Cerebral hemorrhage or whipped by a pretzel – the PTB will have their way.
Forty or so years from now, per government's SOP, un-redacted reports will be released to "prove" the Bush administration were the good guys. (Why it takes so many years to create historical vindication is beyond me.)
My dad would rant and stride through the house using words and phrases a child shouldn't hear. The only time I heard him swear was in connection to Truman. For a while, as a child, I thought Harry Truman was a boss or co-worker of dad's as his contemptuous rants toward the man seemed quite personal. And now I have my own "truman" (Bush).
Truman and Roosevelt bedded with the Harrimans, Prescott Bush, Poppy, Rothchilds and Rockefellers, and dozens of others, as they are today. Behind the scenes the ruling elite stand in solidarity, passing knowledge and power from one generation of the selected few to the next.
The sheeple feed on television and state education and think they're knowledgeable, passing on the doctored history they're given; collective experience and wisdom lost on the next generation fortunate enough to be consumers, save a few who re-learn the same lessons as the few before them.
When scandals break the people believe it's higher-ups seeking to enlighten the masses – but it's just middlemen clearing out competition for their own climb upward. When pundits and eggheads say what fans want to hear – fans think it progress, but it's all carefully designed, a fancy meal fed to those who might be sharp enough to find a clue. And everyone thinks the political dumbass is not him, it's the other guy.
Sometimes I think, overall, we're getting exactly what we deserve.
Posted by
7:41 PM
To pull Ousama off ice to give the American sheeple a morale boost.
Posted by
12:20 PM
Busily counting up the billions last July the folks at Halliburton were nonchalant when Iraq contracts were not renewed. Replaced with domestic deals.
Now Bechtel is leaving Iraq, their contract expired on Tuesday. "Some employees remain to finish the paperwork, but essentially, the company's job is done." Or, more appropriate, a job not done - but paid for.
Congress Tells Auditor in Iraq to Close Office. "Investigations ... have sent American occupation officials to jail on bribery and conspiracy charges, exposed disastrously poor construction work by well-connected companies like Halliburton and Parsons, and discovered that the military did not properly track hundreds of thousands of weapons it shipped to Iraqi security forces.
... tucked away in a huge military authorization bill that President Bush signed two weeks ago ... order comes in the form of an obscure provision that terminates ... the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, on Oct. 1, 2007. The clause was inserted by the Republican side of the House Armed Services Committee over the objections of Democratic counterparts during a closed-door conference, and it has generated surprise and some outrage among lawmakers who say they had no idea it was in the final legislation."
(They could attempt reading the final legislation, if not so busy with continuous campaigning and lunching with no lobbyists left behind.)
== Sounds like the criminals are cleaning up evidence, wiping off fingerprints, stashing the cash.
What became of the bourse of Iran to crash the dollar? Where's the housing market crash? For all the doom and gloom there's a global cash glut fueling an investment boom. Bad news is, it's not a boom for America's Joe Average. Remember, one man's bust is another man's boom.
"The cash glut is reheating the U.K. housing market, while in Japan companies plan the most investment since 1990. China's biggest bank this month attracted orders for more than half a trillion dollars with its initial public offering of shares."
As I've ranted before, most of Iraq's resources are for China and other Asian worker bee colonies. You know, those countries that actually have a manufacturing base, the one that used to be Made in America. Those factories that once fueled the US economy before Reagan/Poppy Bush convinced the sheep that American labor was destroying corporate America's "competitive edge" with wage demands.
And, according to the Iraqi oil minister, in attempts for more investments in the country, Iraq is working with China to revive an oil deal first signed in 1997. Officials will confirm the details of the $1.2 billion deal next month, which involves developing an oil field called al-Ahdab, in Iraq's southern region.
Technology and capital and energy pour into China, India, etc., lured by cheap labor, nonexistent enviromental laws, and deals so investor friendly that Wall Streeters have wet dreams while awake. But hey, you don't want to be called an "isolationist" right?
In case you thought China was communist, it's not – it just plays one in the history book. China is capitalist, State owned capitalism. Not all that different from US, Inc. where most of the wealth is owned by the few who own the State, although Americans have more freedom to bitch about it.
So, haul in the gangplank me hearties, looks like the pirates will technically end Iraqmire in a couple of years (in time for 2008). NATO/UN forces and mercs can handle the war from here, with continued US funding and strategically located militarized "embassies."
The democrats will be installed and America's "ruling class" will turn their attention (and contracts) to domestic issues (woe is we), and our favorite fearmongers will continue to shout about such things as the "Civilian Inmate Labor Program" (began under Clinton) which will enslave us all to compete in world labor markets - or list us as enemy combatants, forced to mow weeds and spear cigarette butts on roadways.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Continuing right along with demonizing US troops, Seymour Hersh lectures that there's a video in which American soldiers massacre a group of people playing soccer. "Three U.S. armed vehicles, eight soldiers in each, are driving through a village, passing candy out to kids," he began. "Suddenly the first vehicle explodes, and there are soldiers screaming. Sixteen soldiers come out of the other vehicles, and they do what they’re told to do, which is look for running people."
Never mind that the bomb was detonated by remote control," Hersh continued. “[The soldiers] open up fire; [the] cameras show it was a soccer game."
"About ten minutes later, [the soldiers] begin dragging bodies together, and they drop weapons there. It was reported as 20 or 30 insurgents killed that day," he said.
(Psssssst Sy, cops call it a "throw down" whether gun or drugs, and it works well, ask Black and brown folks in prison.)
Hersh has reportedly personally viewed the video of the soccer massacre. And apparently has inside info on tapes and photos of children being raped at Abu Ghraib. The ACLU has recently won access to those tapes and photos. Odd isn't it that the Pentagon encourages the troops to document material for their own court martial and hanging. Odder still that Sy gets private screenings.
But, I am appalled I tell you absolutely appalled, at the ignorance of a Pulitzer Prize journalist as Hersh, not knowing American military history.
HERSH: If Americans knew the full extent of U.S. criminal conduct, they would receive returning Iraqi veterans as they did Vietnam veterans, Hersh said. "In Vietnam, our soldiers came back and they were reviled as baby killers, in shame and humiliation," he said. "It isn’t happening now, but I will tell you – there has never been an [American] army as violent and murderous as our army has been in Iraq."
Sy, Sy, what orifice are you pulling info out of? I personally have ancestral documents and letters of long dead grandparents and cousins writing of the Civil War. One a survivor of Andersonville. The ungodly atrocities the Confederate Army committed upon captured Black Union soldiers and slaves would make Vietnam and Iraqi veterans look like boyscouts. And the Union Army was little kinder to the Confederates.
God I can't decide who's dumber these days, red or blue.
Posted by
11:22 AM
CARACAS, Venezuela Nov 2, 2006 (AP)— Flush with oil profits, President Hugo Chavez handed public workers $3 billion in Christmas bonuses 1 1/2 months early, angering opposition leaders who called it part of a cynical pattern of public handouts ahead of a December presidential election.
The "spending spree" includes free train rides, a rock concert, and a propaganda machine that painted pro-Chavez slogans on buses and handed out T-shirts with the image of the former paratrooper, known affectionately as "El Comandante.
Chavez uplifting ... his peoples.
Posted by
7:19 AM
Keith Olbermann relentlessly pursues the source of his country's woes - GW.
With lightsaber drawn, Olbermann makes a Special Comment : "There is tonight no political division in this country that he and his party will not exploit, nor have not exploited; no anxiety that he and his party will not inflame. There is no line this President has not crossed — nor will not cross — to keep one political party, in power."
- Hahahahahahaha. Olbermann thinks we have more than one political party.
Posted by
6:42 AM
Kerry said: "Education, you know, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
Kerry meant:"I can't overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq."
Kerry explanation: Botched a joke.
Truth: Kerry's brain was outpacing his mouth, slip of the tongue. I mean, come on, we know Kerry didn't study this speech (homework) real hard, and he's not exceptionally smart – the man only a couple of years ago discovered he was Jewish. By age 55 most of us have made enough effort to know who and what we are.
Kerry, typical of ruling elite, believe the military are "dumb animals", necessary cogs in the profit making machine. Kerry is on the same level as GW. Conmen. Sleazy feudal warlords dressed in silk and wool pretending to give a shit about the serfs.
I expect Kerry will break and apologize to the troops, he knows the military is all that stands between his class and millions of uneducated and poorly educated have-nots. (When the ruling class speak of "security" they want you to believe it's your safety they're worried about.)
The insult in Kerry's comment was to encourage the deteriorated American dream that studying hard, do your homework, try to be smart, and you too will be successful. Code for - you won't need a network of powerful generational groomers - like most of America's ruling class today. And if you fail - well, that's just class envy, try harder.
Posted by
10:02 PM
You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a 'drop off' (the ground is 18-20 inches below the level you are traveling on), and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping horse which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is another galloping horse. Both horses are also traveling at the same speed as you . What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?
For the answer click and drag your mouse from star to star.
* Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round. *
Posted by
10:36 AM
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, columnist Mark Shields revealed that one of the “highest ranking men” in the military has recommended removing all U.S. troops from Baghdad. Here’s the key excerpt:
MARK SHIELDS : The highest ranking or certainly one of the highest ranking men in the United States military today has recommended that we remove all troops from Baghdad, all American troops from Baghdad…All of the troops out of Baghdad, secure the road to the airport, secure the oil fields and the borders, and say that the pacification and the maintaining of order in Baghdad is the responsibility of the Iraqis. That is the recommendation of probably one of the most — probably the most respected man in uniform today.
---- "Secure the oil fields" the borders, the airport – and let the Iraqi factions in Baghdad have at it? The insurgents won't follow US troops to oil fields, airport, borders?
What high ranking brain fart thinks this is progress?
Posted by
7:13 AM
DETROIT - The American Civil Liberties Union on Friday dropped a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the USA Patriot Act.
The ACLU said it was withdrawing the lawsuit filed more than three years ago because of “improvements to the law.” The Justice Department argued last month that amendments approved by Congress in March 2006 had corrected any constitutional flaws in the Patriot Act.
“While the reauthorized Patriot Act is far from perfect, we succeeded in stemming the damage from some of the Bush administration’s most reckless policies,” Ann Beeson, associate legal director of the ACLU in New York, said in a written statement.
---Yep, another ACLU triumph for we the leetle peeple (said with a hint of sarcasm).
Posted by
8:01 PM
I don't particularly agree that stem cell research should be federally funded for the simple reason I have yet to see the feds fund anything that is not eventually corrupted and compromised, at great expense to the public for benefit but to a few.
What bothers me about stem cell research being an issue is it's a not an issue. Yep Bubba. It's not really an issue. The pols just want you to think stem cell research should be on the front burner, so you're not dwelling on the little things like corruption, deficits, war. So you don't dwell on ideas of banishing PACs and lobbyists, and other powerfuls who own the government our sons and daughters die for.
Basically, federal funding for stem cell research is limited by BushCo guidelines. But private funding, corporate funding, foundation funding, and states can fund all the stem cell research they want.
Serious stem cell research is going on, whether the public agrees or not. Reading the NIH site on stem cell guidelines NIH and the research community have "established a research infrastructure to ensure the successful handling and the use of cells" eligible for federal funding.
NIH also reminds research institutes that "Organizations will be well served by providing training to staff working with non-registered lines to reinforce these policies and procedures and the need to carefully document the assignment and allocation of costs between federally supported and non-federal projects." (Key words : Staff, non-registered, carefully document, allocation, costs = fraud).
Reports claim we age because our stem cells essentially run out of juice and can no longer cope with the degree of cell turnover that keeps our organs young. If true, not only could disease be reversed or cured but life will be greatly extended by altering or replacing the body's stem cells. A select few could regenerate themselves and live on and on. Really living history you might say.
We already fund big pharma R&D for drugs we can't afford. I'm sure we'll do as much for stem cells. Who more than the ruling elite would love nothing better than to live and rule, literally, for centuries? Kind of gives new meaning to words like dynasty and "long live the king."
Posted by
9:04 AM
I'm not one to argue for or against the supernatural but some things just cannot be explained by science. Check out this footage.
Posted by
12:26 PM
Broken Government, A CNN Jack Cafferty offering, airs tonight.
Gosh, everything is broken. The borders are broken, the government is broken, morality and family values are broken, Madonna's deal to buy her own little Black child is broken (getting quite the mileage out of this one ain't she?).
Cafferty will tackle "out-of-control spending and corruption in Congress, presidential abuse of power, voting machine concerns, problems with the GOP and Democratic parties, and a seeming inability to really tackle big issues, like the open border debate."
(Note: The above tackle topics have been shouted by the "opposition" since shortly after those mostly British ol' boys and slaveholders walked out and told the lady "a republic, if you can keep it.")
Not tackling big issues is not due to "inability" Jack, it's part of the plan. And Jack, wish you'd told us in 2000 or 2001 or 2003 how broke things were. You know, before BushCo was installed, before war on Afghanistan to capture a man we still haven't caught, and before engaging in wider war. Or was the government not broken back then?
Oh, I remember, that's when you were on American Morning and said those Iraqi women held in prison by the US were better off: "Given the way these mutants treat women in their societies, the women are probably better off in US custody."
Cafferty will go heavy listing a few things wrong with government, and real light on what to do about it. A few short months of the State repeating the "government is broken" is surely prelude to the "fixers" - who will soon arrive to repair things for ya.
Posted by
7:46 PM
Barak Obama now says a run for the White House is not out of the question. Viewing how the system has worked the past couple of hundred years I gotta wonder – what horrors are planned if a woman (Hillary) and a Black man are seriously considered as fall guys?
Think of the news bytes either would generate. How progressive of US to at long last have a woman or a Black in the top job. Aren't we forward thinking. Hillary and Obama, hungry narcissists see only headlines of "The First …."
When they gave us Stupid 6 years ago a few folks knew war was imminent. The powers that be wouldn't puppet someone that wet-brained unless the agenda was so ugly only a fool would take the job. Might explain why Gore and Kerry acquiesced so willingly and early in those "stolen" elections.
Sigh, I can hear the buffoons drawl over at the diner. Identifying with gender or pigment, they will say Hillary or Obama would make good presidents 'cause they know what it's like … "it" being she knows what it's like to be a woman and mother and he knows what it's like to be Black, etc. I know I know, but heartland logic works that way.
I await the no-name nobody, a small time player to be presented as viable candidate. Maybe another former governor with experience in looting a State before looting the nation. The cleanest crook the parties can find for the next charade. Time for a grandpa Ronnie? An affable gentle old pol with Alzheimer's to reassure the public he will bring peace, prosperity, and good health.
I don't think Obama has a serious shot at the White House, but then I'm still struggling with the idea the PTB would install a woman – although a white female from the power circle is more believable than a Black. But if either or both are installed in the top spot, watch out. Something awful this way comes. It means no American born white man wants the task (or possible blame) for the next step in designing the new world order. Maybe Arnie the Austrian can be pumped up for the job.
Posted by
10:24 AM
Trust me, a few lessons and even the guy with two left feet can dance. Tango is easier than you think. So are the Cha Cha Cha, samba, and rhumba.
And of course, remember this one? - brought back memories of people and politics in places I had forgotten. Move out the dining room furniture grampa – let's dance.
Posted by
10:11 AM