Friday, September 14, 2007

The General

The military experts and combat hardened boots from Moveon kicked General Petraeus with a NYT ad this week, for performing his duty to BushCo.

"General Petraeus or General Betray Us." Or so the ad goes. Nice of the trustworthy old NY rush-to-war Times to allegedly give Moveon an advertising discount – must be all that guilt for herding the sheep into war from the git-go.

Click, spin, flip-flop drop - the NYT is playing the other side of the song on the Wurlitzer.

Poor General. After a lustrous career serving in Somalia, Bosnia, Kuwait, and Willie Clinton's invasion of Haiti – he becomes a "traitor." To be touted as the white Colin Powell – lying for Bush. Does that mean Petraeus is a whigger?

The question put to Petraeus, which so much of the media chomped on, was from John Warner. Paraphrased – "have our efforts in Iraq made the US safer?" The General responded with "I don't know."

Well, there ya go Bubba. Proof. Proof we're not safer. Proof the war was not all about, you know, o-i-l.

Bubba, was you idiot enough to believe this War was to keep us safe? Well, okay, I suppose if soon to retire Senator Warner was idiot enough to think it ….so can you.

By the way, was that 17 minute followup speech from Bush the Beady Reptile Eyes really Bush or his look-a-like? This Bush seemed so focused. Wish I had some of whatever he's on.

Honestly Bubba, my instincts felt Petraeus was as honest as he could be given he had brasses to cover while in a room full of professional pandering congressional career liars.

But the most disgusting thing to come from this "attack ad" - is dirty old man chester-molester look-a-like Giuliani, getting his name in print by defending the General. Now there's a lying climbing creep if I ever saw one.

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