Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Déjà Who Next

This book, Infiltration: How ___ Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington, published 2005 reads like many written in the 1920s and '30s that detailed how Jewish financiers were plotting to overthrow western (Christian) civilization and rule the world.

As Americans continue to worship at the altar of cultural diversity and endorse religious tolerance for tolerance sake, _________ masquerading as “moderates” have insinuated themselves into the very fabric of American society, taking advantage of our blind trust and gaining footholds in our education system, government, workplace, law enforcement, and military. In this startling book, investigative journalist Paul Sperry uses revealing new interviews and classified documents to courageously explain how, for the past thirty years, these _________ have been covertly working to destroy our constitutional government and the ________ ethics on which our nation was built. Their goal, according to Sperry, is to replace the U.S. Constitution with the ________ and turn America into a ________ state. And, as Sperry details point-by-point, they have been unwittingly aided in their sinister aims by the politically correct media, government, and citizens, who don’t fully understand the dangers of the ______ faith.

Infiltration explodes the facade of moderation and patriotism that ______ scholars, clerics, businessmen, and other leaders in the burgeoning ______ community in America have conveyed in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In reality, the _______ establishment that publicly decries _____________... The only difference is that they use words and money instead of bombs to accomplish their goals.

Now, thanks to Sperry’s peerless research, piquant prose, and forthright presentation, their cover is blown. He will not only make readers forget nearly everything they’ve been told about these “moderate” and “mainstream” leaders, he will expose the true agenda of these “moderate” and “mainstream” leaders, and he will explain the full scope of the dangerous threat of ______ in America.

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