Thursday, January 12, 2006


I won't miss the volume and din but will miss the late night talks, letting #3 son sleep until noon, making huge homemade meals, and watching hairy-legged young one clear dishes without breaking anything. No one was eager for the visit to end but there are "places to go and people to see." It may take a few weeks for the scent of youth hormone and cologne to leave this old house but that's okay.

I don't know why other mother's sons join the military. Perhaps college, although mine could have went to college without the military. I tried very hard to stop my sons from enlisting. My sons were not driven by poverty nor a desire to prove machismo. For my 3 it was tradition. Considered an accomplishment through the generations by many American families; a rite of passage into the ranks of the elders; to better understand what the old men speak of. Military service was once a duty even the ruling elite felt obligated to perform: Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, Bush I, Dole, etc. Almost a political prerequisite for acceptance by the public.

We went to dinner one evening with #3 in dress uniform (family photo-op). To my dismay (for him) no one, not one person in the restaurant spoke to my son. We received stares, long stares. An uncomfortable air. Here in the Bible belt, military belt, heartland – it was unnatural for no one to say 'hey, how's it going over there' or 'where ya stationed'. When this part of the country turns away from those in uniform – it's more than a problem. It's an ominous signal. The American populace was fine, high-fiving and cheering, when the gang and supporting members were told they're heroes; tagging their turf with yellows ribbons and flags. When the media finally pointed out how craven and thuggish the public gang – they began to turn. On one another. Under the lamp, grilled, some plead guilty to ignorance, some to entrapment, tricked, some to an epiphanous moment where they found a conscious. Like convicts who find Jesus in jail, American John Q. Thugs now see the horror of their crime.

America knew then and knows now. Knows how ill-advised and ugly war is. All the MSM bravado and kickass attitude of a year or two ago is gone. It never really was the property of John Q. Thugs and like thieves the public spent fast and free enjoying a moment of victory doled out by propagandists. Now replaced by a sullen passive guilty population of gangsters unable to resist whatever national direction the boss offers them. Looking for plea bargains.

The local Wal-Mart has removed their "wall of honor" of area soldiers. A year ago there were at least 150 mostly young faces from every county for miles around on a wall at the Wal-Mart entrance. All that remains are pieces of dirty scotch tape and thumb tack holes. The media now gives the opposition side more voice, and more Americans feel cuckolded, married to a system there's no way out of or safe in. Uncomfortable in the presence of anything that reminds them how often they've screwed and been screwed; how many times they've had to fake it and sing proud to be American while the kingpins rob them blind and tell them it's for everyone's benefit.

There are few flags, few decals; can't remember the last time I saw a yellow ribbon. Cindy Sheehan's most recent article spoke of apathy but it smells like cowardice to me; a gang of thugs aware they do not control their own government or collective destiny (never really did), no faith in the system but it's all they know. Not apathy; but trepidation. John Q. Thug waiting for a clue. What to do when a vote doesn't count, when pols do as they're instructed by corrupt unknown masters, when every "war on" is another get rich scheme for those in control. Millions of J.Q. Thug familes waiting. Waiting, waiting. Waiting and reading and spreading the latest scare graffiti called news and/or mass mailed political urban legends presented as fact. Waiting for the next guy to do something, or at best, for the next guy to show what is courage and do something besides wait.

Another item in the past few days stuck with me. From Unknown News. The writer expresses sentiment seen more these days in regard to American troops, stating "the unpleasant truth about "American heroes", is that American soldiers are hired killers … No more, no less. The epitome of soldierdom is unquestioning obedience. Can’t have soldiers questioning orders to “light up” some brown skinned family, can we?"

The author comments that "in light of Vietnam, it is nigh unfathomable that any half-witted American can take the “call of duty” seriously." But I wonder, when and/or if the day ever came when "the people" need soldiers to choose between a useless failed government or their fellow Americans, who will these "half-witted" side with? For those folks who believe American soldiers are half-witted hired killers, no more, no less – the answer should be troublesome.

While I agree in premise with the proposal that soldiers are hired killers, (so are cops along with most government personnel and it's supporters, you the taxpayer) it's offensive to label the same soldiers "deluded dupes." Few are deluded about what they're signing on to do. And they are more than hired killers. They are friends, neighbors, children, coworkers, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, family.

I'm sick of the mantra that this war is "based on lies." All wars are staged - and based on lies, always have been. Deal with it. Maybe some believe what we see today is a whole new world of deceit by government - but it's not. Simply the evil of the ruling class laughing with an "in your face" stance at a generation raised on blood and puke teevee.

The author asks "when do we get the wisdom and charity part?" Maybe it's when gang member John Q. Thug stops screaming about what the US is doing in foreign nations and screams when the US "lights up little brown people" stateside. The way Howard Morgan was lit up, a Black man (ex cop) shot 25 times by police and survived. The ruling class knows if America's John Thugs aren't outraged by "incidents" of racism at home – then racism abroad is plenty acceptable. Light 'em if you got 'em.

Maybe it's when people stop pissing on the boots they may need to one day stand down and force a change in government. Perhaps charity these days is the left using the term "killing an entire family" rather than "baby killers." Maybe it's when folks recognize the real half-wits are those who mouth the same old styled memes, which this time around gives them even less clout. Unquestioning obedience isn't just for soldierdom. It's the epitome of John Q. Thug. It's most of America, the one nobody wants to admit to.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"While I agree in premise with the proposal that soldiers are hired killers, (so are cops along with most government personnel and it's supporters, you the taxpayer)"

Don't talk rot. Cops are not /supposed/ to kill anybody. US (and increasingly UK) cops may be trigger happy but in theory thjey do not start the day /intending/ to kill people. They do not seek out an "enemy" with the intention of killing them. Cops deleiver to the courts and it is the courts which decide, in nations bartbarous enoght to retain a "death penalty" whether the state should kill them. In which case the executioner is the "hired killer".

That your son's Gestapo suit is starting to turn American stomachs is a /good/ thing. Hopefully it will make recruitment harder, and as one who
"tried very hard to stop my sons from enlisting" it is grotequely hypocritical of you to wish otherwise.

Kate-A said...

John Q. speaks.

Anonymous said...

Anon - respectfully, I think you missed Kate's point. Young people sign up for the service for a variety of reasons - for college money, for work, for direction, for tradition, and for plenty of other good reasons, but *not* to have the license to go out and kill people.

These kids sign up trusting that their government won't ever put them in harms way unless the cause is just. Bush and Co. violated that trust, and these young people are now caught in the middle.

The people in uniform are not the problem. To shun these people or make them feel like a pariah is a disgrace.

The problem is the 60 million good citizens who voted for Bush and his war in 2004, when it was clear no WMDs would be found and the war was a lie.

If the American serviceman's uniform looks like a Gestapo suit to you, it's not the fault of the people who wear it.

Anonymous said...

You freakin' Americans and your obsession for military(violence)is sickening the rest of the world.

Yes, and very much so, your soldiers know what they are signing up for. If they didn't sign up to kill, then your masters wouldn't have the hit men they need to keep your population and others under their thumb. Put the responsibility where it belongs. George Bush doesn't pull the trigger of the gun every time another innocent being dies. It is the American soldier who makes that choice. Yes - it is a choice that particular individual makes and upon doing so, condemns himself for the rest of his or her life.

The population of the US should NOT support the murderers who are referred to as soldiers, this is where the establishment has you people completely duped. They are what they are; nothing but cold blooded, hired killers of a military welfare society. (get a REAL job)

I realize I can't speak for all but I can state again that the rest of the world is growing weary of the blatant, agressive ignorance demonstrated by yourselves through your attempts at stealing what others possess.
By the way, it is a given that "What goes around comes around". Perhaps you people would be better served by training your youth up to be something other than mindless killers at the behest of the establishment as your "come around" is likely soon...

Anonymous said...

"Young people sign up for the service for a variety of reasons - for college money, for work, for direction, for tradition, and for plenty of other good reasons, but *not* to have the license to go out and kill people."

Oh right. Yes they drop bombs on foreigners, but they do it to funds college studies, not becasue they like it. That makes it allright does it? That they kill for money?

"These kids sign up trusting that their government won't ever put them in harms way unless the cause is just. Bush and Co. violated that trust, and these young people are now caught in the middle."

That's the Micahel Moore line: The country owes an aplogy to the killbots for sending them to die for lies, but not to those they slaughter.

"The people in uniform are not the problem. To shun these people or make them feel like a pariah is a disgrace."

The people in uniform are the ones doing the killing. Hitler was only a "problem" because "the people in uniform" obeyed his orders.

If the "Sir, yes Sirs" are starting to get shunned by the American people when they swagger around in their kill costumes as though so much as a shred of honour went with the pips and medals then, far from shame, it is a glimmour of hope.

Anonymous said...

Catch your breath, Anon. ;-)

Hitler was a problem because the German people voted his party (and therefore him) into power. This is the part you don't seem to get.

Anonymous said...

Honest opinions, presumably based upon different life experiences or studies, can vary, but there's discussion, and then there's ranting disrespectfully.

Also, is this 1, 2, or 3 anonymouses? (anonymice?) Kate, you probably know there are Blogger options regarding Comment posting.

Most soldiers are probably doing their best in a difficult situation. Blaiming them for any of this mess is ridiculous.

Kate-A said...

I'm not sure if anon is the same or 2 different posters. I'll have to check the comment section again on blogspot but I don't let the occasional 'attitude' bother me. I'm sure if they're not reading what they want to hear, what confirms their beliefs, they won't spend much time at kateablog.

Most adults who come here don't get angry enough to rant for long. I think those who use the 'gestapo, killbots, etc.' simply like the lingo.

It sounds as if some believe the non-US "civilized" world is so civilized, their "ruling elite" so different, that they will deliver the US for "our come around" to the courts and executioners.

Surely they're not expecting China, India, or Russia to give us our due, as the US beds with their ruling class too. Any wars with these will benefit all sides ruling class - depopulation, more wealth and redistribution of wealth toward the top of course, and a very menacing superpower when the dust settles.

Just as in the '60s, the troops will take the fall for the horrors of a war approved by both sides of the aisle. The pols and corporate masters retire with brandy and cigars until the next time, leaving even less on the plate for the the 'anti' folks and the 'killbots' they find so awful. Everything going as planned in the backroom.

Will we ever learn.

Anonymous said...

I remember stories back in the 60s of soldiers returning from Vietnam being spit on at airports. I was a young person at the time and very much against that war, but I never hung around Logan Airport spitting at soldiers just back from the war, or calling them baby-killers. Nor did I know anyone who did.

I always assumed those stories were apocryphal. But after reading Anon's posts, I'm not so sure.

Kate-A said...

The spit and baby killers may have been apocryphal. I do remember though the media intentionally, with subtlety, led the public to perceive the VN vets as low IQ, jobless, homeless, self-inflicted mentally impaired drug addicts and/or criminals who deserved little sympathy.

The government likewise ignored the problems of returning VN vets. The economy was beginning to show the cracks of long-term warfare, gas crisis, etc. and the vets could just suck it up like everyone else. The Reagan era media rid us of the "Vietnam syndrome", (Billy Clinton did his part too) "winning" low intensity quickie wars, in prep for bigger, more profitable conflicts to come, - evildoers, Middle East, terrorists.

I expect the Iraq/Afghanistan vets a decade from now to experience the same shrug off, it's evident now to some with benefits, equipment, medical, etc.

"We the people" are played like violins by virtuosos. If not, mankind would be much further along in getting along.

Anonymous said...

You think words like "gestapo" are innappropriate? Why? Okay, so you aren't gassing arabs yet, but the illegal aggressions, torture, and
collective punishment are there. Wherein exactly is the moral distinction? On the one hand Lidice, on the other Falljua. If anything, you've upped the scale of retribution. At least the Nazis didn't aerially bomb towns and villages in territories they occupied.

(Anon # 1)

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