Monday, March 13, 2006


I don't care about the 10 y/o Gitmo detainee. Every 4 hours a Black child in the US dies, 46 percent of juveniles in correctional facilities are Black children, and the youngest perpetrators between 9 and 11 charged as adults for violent crimes are Black or Hispanic. Poverty is violent. Am I supposed to feel rage about a 10 y/o Arab held at Gitmo for 2 years because white media wants to play my emotions, attribute it to BushCo?

I don't care about the never ending Plame saga which grows more dead brain boring with each return to the news. There is zero evidence of "outing" an active agent, and pretty evident it's a limited hangout with the smallest part of truth being that Ms. Plame drove into her parking spot at Langley for a few years. I don't care about CIA employees; they have contributed willingly and overlong to the horrors of the world. Spending our dimes on a racket for the global elite. Out them all.

I don't care about Port sales b/c the deal has gone as it was intended. It gives 90 percent of the deal to Dubai and the other 10 percent to a strategic US group, with the bonus of being a political "security issue" for the upcoming election stumps.

I don't care about wiretaps b/c we the peons are not the targets. I don't flatter myself thinking my conversations, email, and habits are extremely interesting, so much so that the US federal government wants to know more. Besides, 99 percent of Federal government employees do not do their jobs, evidenced by the graft, cronyism, corruption, and stupidity of government institutions; like most of America they are there only to draw a paycheck. From my local deputy Barney to the bowels of the CIA – 99.9 percent of them can't locate their ass with both hands and a flashlight; which is why actual criminals often slip through the cracks (pun intended).

I don't care about bird flu because if the ruling elite wish to place a pox on us they will do so, and profit greatly with vaccines and a much desired population reduction. As for FEMA "concentration" camps – tell me where one is in the Heartland and I will personally take a road trip to photograph and blog it.

I don't care about Iran nukes b/c odds are the entire thing is a gambit to keep the "left" trembling and chattering about the next move, and less focused on the wars that are going on. If the powerful global elite nuke the Middle East into green glass they cut off their own nose to spite the face. They cannot shut down the world economy without cutting their own profits and it's always about the money. And if the theorists who claim the world is ruled by "the Jews" are correct, well we know how Jewish folks are with money and not likely to cut off their own nose or cash.

I don't care if Milosevic was poisoned or died naturally from a heart clogged with food and drink. I don't care if 9/11 commission was bribed; anyone holding office higher than 8th grade class president has been bribed. Tell me something new. I don't care if abortion is outlawed. I grew up in an era of little available contraception other than a condom and "no" and most women managed to still plan their pregnancies. I don't care if we stop Mexico immigration. Make the ruling class and corporate America pay Joe Blow a few dollars more to work those jobs "nobody wants" – see how many Joes and Tyrones sign on. Cheap labor overseas is destructive enough, why the hell do we import it? And when did we become stupid enough to allow it?

I don't care if gays have marriage "rights." I don't hear any wealthy elite gays complaining. I'm tired of ignoring girl-on-girl commercials for straight men fantasies and pubescent boys to jerk off to, and watching silly simpering males flame themselves as caricatures of female and not expect me to laugh or cringe. I don't care who adults do or what they do it with – but I don't have to agree it's an "orientation" or "normal" alternative. Being a monk or nun is not normal – just an alternative. Discovering you're gay at 40 with wife and kids is not discovery – it's male menopause. Discovering you're gay at 12 is puberty. Always felt an attraction to same sex? Most people do, but don't admit it or act on it, and usually forget about it.

I don't care about election fraud as elections are all fraudulent. No one runs for office in America without licking a few boots and killing a few morals, and collecting markers on the way up so someone will eventually lick back.

I don't care about the "constitutional crisis" every other month. The constitution was written by and for wealthy European white men. We need a new one.

I don't care about these "issues" and neither do most Americans because these "issues" cannot and will not make a damn bit of difference in our lives regardless. Most of us are not gay. Most of us do not seek abortion. Most of us do not see a constitutional crisis with every headline. Most of us don't care about Plame's outing or Cheney's gun skills or Cindy's latest arrest. All empty air. Nor do most care if foreigners are treated horribly because too many Americans are holding the other shitty end of the big stick here. Most know the constitution is no more than paper written to protect the ruling class, no matter how often we had to repeat the pledge of allegiance "for all" in elementary school.

We care about education, employment, healthcare, public and personal accountability. The real issues impacting our lives everyday – but are no more than election reruns used briefly to prod the herd to the voting booth. Vote for appearance's sake, and because no one is responsible for the outcome, especially we the people. We can all be gaily unemployed with untreated health problems, discussing our abortion and stolen elections, swishing to the polls, pretending our vote counts for the next quisling regime. Long live frivolity.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I don't care about these "issues" and neither do most Americans because these "issues" cannot and will not make a damn bit of difference in our lives regardless."

Then why should I care what you care about? You are clearly interested in nobody but yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you grew up in the fifties. I can't find a lot to disasgree with.

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