Friday, June 24, 2005

Third World White

Faith in the American dream is basically for White folks, with the majority of those folks without good sense. Too many white folks don't grasp the turning point of what's happening in America today. Jerry Springer souls who see themselves as June and Ward leaving a legacy to the little Cleavers. And decent white folks who unfortunately still see the land of opportunity with the eyes of the 1950s. Poverty, joblessness, low wages, illiteracy, destruction of the family unit, has always been a struggle fought by minorities and now it's come home to Johnny White but he denies it.

In eras past White America had the Negro, the illegals, the opposition party as scapegoats, but those goats aren't as easy to stake down and blame America's problems on these days. There's not much difference in the 2 parties and it's no longer politically correct to blame darker folks for white failure. Though god knows millions of pale faces still believe it is and try. Maybe some can blame terrorism or terrorists but homegrown scapegoats aren't so much multiple choice anymore.

Most of white America also doesn't recognize that the same oppression that kept brown folks down is now targeting average Johnny White America. I'm not sure I'd even call it "oppression" as it is simply the law of supply. When there's too many to share the pie with, the greedy pie-keepers push those who are different away from the table. As the feeders grow in number it has to eventually exclude more white pie-eaters. Because upper class White Haves have less use for Johnny White they have to squeeze more white members down and out, rapidly. Once called white privilege, the privileges are being reduced for most of white America. Not taken away by minorities, goodness no, nonwhites haven't that kind of power. But taken away by their own. The old phrase "it's a man's world" is more appropriately a "white man's world", but today that won't take the average Johnny White man as far as it used to. No longer does the white ruling class care if Johnny White has employment, housing, education, opportunity, good health, it now doesn't even offer a definitive target to blame his fall on. As far as his "betters" are concerned, Johnny White can keep falling to the bottom. Serve or entertain is Johnny's options these days, just like brown folks have for a long time.

It's simple. Not only does Johnny White no longer produce mega capital for America's ruling class, he is no longer necessary as a consumer for the products he once produced. With 3 billion in China and India markets, who cares if 200 million gringos no longer buy $200 tennis shoes. Even at $10 a pair, 3 billion people with feet is just as profitable. Do the math. As Henry made his model T affordable to his workers so will multinational manufacturers to their new consumers, Ching Li and Bansi Bhanuprakash.

As Ford Motor no longer makes money on autos, but on the interest in lending to buyers, Johnny White America is no longer a viable credit market. The day is here when minimum wage will not float a 5 year auto loan or home mortgage. When only the upper class John White can afford $1000 a month car notes welcome to the world of POS cars (piece of shit) and raggedy ass taxis that smell like dirty feet and cigarettes. IBM etal can pay Bansi and Ching to train, market, and sell to one another, who needs po' unproductive Johnny White? Have you researched who owns America's wealth? It ain't Johnny. But lets not look under the rock of capitalism.

White "privilege" is already installing little measures that will weed out ne'er do well Johnny White. Special "clear" cards for airline flyers. Banking, DMVs, and housing rentals are enforcing stricter ID guidelines all in the name of securing the homeland but sorting the chaff at the same time. Identifying economic status. The upper classes will find no hassle in paying extra fees, providing documentation, having underlings to take care of hasslework, to secure special treatment ID. At the same time it ensures even white folks who don't travel much are treated like the least of us. It ensures poor white folks don't lie to get that license, cable TV, telephone, HUD rental, cash a check, fix that DUI, or get a gun permit. Fortified America, with a lot of white folks joining the ranks of the brown folks who cannot afford to buy special treatment ID. Welcome to the back of the bus. According to Homeland Security many of the coming changes will allow the concentration on those groups which are more likely to perpetrate fraud, lying, etc. Not professional criminals, but the desperate and poor who lie and cheat like criminals, as the professional criminals are in charge anyway.

Oh I know the huffy protest about if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about…yonk yonk…but truth is: if you can afford to have it erased you have nothing to worry about. Like all bureaucracy, the price starts small so it seems a reasonable request. John White can tout it as "keeping us secure" while tens of thousands of white and pink collar jobs are shipped to India (ignore that records and identities are sold, stolen, or ransomed). They'll just sell us more identity protection to protect us. Oh, that's right, "it's a different world" now. Sure it is, for white folks.

And when BushCo announces a military conscription or facsimile of, to protect us, Johnny White's past sin of stubborn bigotry will muzzle him. He'll pretend he wants it. Johnny will have to keep feeding fodder to the capitalist system he created a few hundred years ago. A government gun will be the only status for millions like him. Throwing away perfectly good white boys to keep the system slogging on a little longer. And I know folks think America will never be a "has been" until it is one. The standard of living slipping gradually goes almost unnoticed and each generation thinking their standard is the way it always was.

It all brings to mind some of my residency in third world countries. While the majority of people lacked everything, the ruling oligarch lacked nothing. Those in uniform were the "middle class" with a few privileges and the chance to be noticed. Where most citizens lived in cardboard shanties, shacks or mud huts, were rationed food and water, and if lucky a few hours of electricity, those who ruled spent evenings poolside, dining on surf and turf, and briefly, but fashionably, discussing the plight of the country's poor before enjoying themselves. That's where Johnny White America is headed, but with the American flare for things: Out to the shanty, with TV, prescriptions and foodstamps, to squat with the rest of the world, gaze at the party lights in the big house and wait for a few dollars from Johnny's allotment check.


Anonymous said...

I am simply AWED by your writing!

You rock!!

Anonymous said...


Your writing is smooth and nearly flawless, although a bit acrid. And, it is this same "acridness" or rather truth that hits home and deserves more presence on the internet. Thank you for your contribution/s.

Anonymous said...

First, they sold out the Indians
then they sold out the blacks
then they sold out the poor whites
then they sold out the working class
then they sold out the family farms
then they sold out the middle class
then they sold out the technical class
then they sold out anyone who wasn't a wealthy corporation.

Kevin said...


Kate-A said...

Solution: Knowledge is power. Make a big ripple in whatever little pond you swim in. Make a difference in the lives around you.

Kate-A said...

Thanks everyone, and I will check out the suggested site Winfield.

Anonymous said...

the part about IDs is ridiculous. You go to the DMV, take tests, everyone pays the same, and you get a driver's license. What were you trying to say?

Kate-A said...

ID'ing us has been going on for a long time. I'm saying it's not news. Driver license, registration for this and that, permits, credit/debt, all tracking us, etc.

Special treatment ID was the talk of obtaining, by extra payment, special passes to avoid the search and hassle with flying. Just prove one is a good citizen and receive a "board quicker" privilege pass. I'm not sure if this measure has been instituted as I haven't flown in a while. Of course those who can afford already have special privilege, so that is nothing new.

Perhaps I should have divided that paragraph regarding ID and privilege into 2 so as not to confuse.

Anonymous said...

Your post can not withstand a critical reading. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Guess that's why there hasn't been a post since Feb 06....

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