Sunday, December 04, 2005

Objects in Rearview Mirror Appear Closer

John Murtha, warhawk dances with cooing doves, makes no sense. Murtha without war/defense money is impossible. Defense pork made him, made the 12th district. He has said himself that without defense spending Johnstown would be a ghost town.

Murtha claims the army is "broken" and worn out. He claimed armed services recruiting is dwindling but not according to the DoD.

It appears Murtha may be going more these days for homeland pork security so perhaps he believes the military will be needed at home. Murtha this past June joined officials from Booz Allen Hamilton in that group's announcement of a new office at 1 Pasquerilla Plaza, in Johnstown. (Pasquerrilla is a Pennsylvania republican mogul who helps keep Murtha in office.) Former Pentagon comptroller Dov Zakheim, recently joined Booz Allen. Rabbi Zakheim is considered by some to be a rabid Zionist, part of the "neocon cabal" who ran the 9/11 operation. Birds of a feather ...... no doves.

And then there's 9/11 flight 93, downed a few miles from the John Murtha-Johnstown Airport. Supposedly there was an "anti-terror meeting" 9/10/2001 at that airport. Some theories have floated around that Murtha knew more about 9/11.

"Despite claims of some researchers, it is not clear, who and how many of the White House officials had been actively involved in the whole 9/11 plan, but some of them, who have, had strong connections to Douglas Feith and the PNAC think tank.

One of the key persons outside the White House, which obviously had prior knowledge about a pending attack, was Rep. John Murtha in Pennsylvania, who had a huge address book with military contacts.

Former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz called support of politicians like Murtha for the Pentagon as ''wonderful." In the 2004 VP debate, Cheney said ''One of my strongest allies in Congress when I was secretary of defense was Jack Murtha."

With Murtha's strong ties to the Pentagon and past and present wonderful "allies" like Wolfowitz, Cheney, Zakheim, all the biggest and many smaller defense contractors, makes me ask what's really going on. To think Murtha wants an end to war doesn't ring true (he wants to jockey the troops around the region). War spending made him, owns him, and as he said himself - he'd be sitting in a "ghost town" without the Pentagon.

He can schmooze the public with telling the public they're "way ahead of congress" but what's the real agenda? You don't really believe the Pentagon has a dovish unit singing "war, huh, good gawd y'all, what is it good for" do you? Murtha may have "sparked a debate on Iraq" (DNC talking point) but it's not an honest one. He just lit another smokescreen; probably burning that address book of contacts.


Anonymous said...

Leading your own opposition.

Plain and simple.

Genuine anti-war efforts are siphoned off and diluted by phonies like Murtha.

Fence sitters are comforted and kept from joining anti-war action by phonies like Murtha, who is of course acting under orders.

Kate-A said...


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