Monday, October 23, 2006

Plumbing 101

Broken Government, A CNN Jack Cafferty offering, airs tonight.

Gosh, everything is broken. The borders are broken, the government is broken, morality and family values are broken, Madonna's deal to buy her own little Black child is broken (getting quite the mileage out of this one ain't she?).

Cafferty will tackle "out-of-control spending and corruption in Congress, presidential abuse of power, voting machine concerns, problems with the GOP and Democratic parties, and a seeming inability to really tackle big issues, like the open border debate."

(Note: The above tackle topics have been shouted by the "opposition" since shortly after those mostly British ol' boys and slaveholders walked out and told the lady "a republic, if you can keep it.")

Not tackling big issues is not due to "inability" Jack, it's part of the plan. And Jack, wish you'd told us in 2000 or 2001 or 2003 how broke things were. You know, before BushCo was installed, before war on Afghanistan to capture a man we still haven't caught, and before engaging in wider war. Or was the government not broken back then?

Oh, I remember, that's when you were on American Morning and said those Iraqi women held in prison by the US were better off: "Given the way these mutants treat women in their societies, the women are probably better off in US custody."

Cafferty will go heavy listing a few things wrong with government, and real light on what to do about it. A few short months of the State repeating the "government is broken" is surely prelude to the "fixers" - who will soon arrive to repair things for ya.

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