Monday, January 08, 2007

Springing Up All Over

Like yellow daffodils in a pasture of cowpies. "Former" agents, spies, intel masters, CIA officers, etc. Latest to cross the radar is Mr. Robert David Steele Vivas.

Another retired guvmint employee; i.e. overpaid, overtitled, and a minor cog in the big machine, willing to lead the little peeple with his insider experience and knowledge.

Mr. Bob, when not writing obtusely wordy and boring "papers" for his Masters and others, writes reviews for He also has the website (cute, is that after the original OSS of WWII, or does it stand for Open Source Shit?).

Steele pours Kool-Aid for those who like to think they refuse to drink the Kool-Aid. If you can spend the time on the OSS site there's talk of suitcase nukes, strike on Iran, wishing George Tenet well, serious articles on the fake Al Qaeda, etc. and the usual progressive/leftist barfbag of regurgeformation, i.e. intel bad/citizens good, current dem/rep regimes bad/former exspurts good. In OSS words "We *will* clean house." Or, this gem "This is about a wall to wall floor to ceiling purge and reconstitution of the entire national intelligence community writ large." (John Kennedy supposedly said it better .."smash the CIA into a thousand pieces".)

The OSS meme seems to be "all information in all languages all the time" and the world will be safe I guess. Steele/OSS has graphics/charts for those who need to have a picture drawn. And there's the PDB, "public daily brief." God, one could almost feel presidential.

OSS : "We respectfully encourage all IO professionals from all nations to communicate useful information to the editor of this newsletter. Alternatively, if there are other IO newsletters, in any language, we will gladly post pointers to them from this portal page. Sharing, not secrecy, is the operative principle now." No more secrets – wasn't there a movie with Robert Redford where the villain used that line of thought?

IO – information operations - professionals. Creating the world brain. Web based intelligence teams. Cap'n Decoder rings? Impotent ur… uh… important stuff. Another real spy come to help.

The site also claims to have 45 dictators willing to talk if we offer them comfortable sanctuary. I say we first clean out the "former" Latin American dictators and war criminal cronies we gave Miami comfy to already.

Steele describes himself as "... an estranged moderate Republican." (Comments section.) He's been popping up in the blogosphere more the past 6 months or so. Is strange … there are herds of republicans of late who have lost affection for their party, although I haven't actually met one, the blogosphere assures me they are all over the place, and willing ... nay eager, to bring down Bush. There was a mass epiphany - lifelong republican government employees awoke from their slumber.

Steele is a proponent of "international information sharing". Now that's a phrase to blanket your cover and warm your cockles. If you ask me, the Office of Strategery Services is still baa baa being served.

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