Saturday, April 12, 2008

White World Wrestling Federation

Years ago I agreed with the writings of Charley Reese, and similar pundits, who I thought were honest and down to earth. However, when I read articles such as It's Occupation, Not War I no longer find common cause. I suppose it is my thinking which has changed as Charley and the likes have written the same for decades, like hamsters on a wheel, peddling the same ideas over and over and not getting anywhere.

REESE: (On Iraq civil war) ... But even if they happen, they need not concern us. Lots of factions in different parts of the world decide to kill each other from time to time, and we don't interfere. As long as there are no Americans to get caught in the crossfire, let the Iraqis have their civil war if that's what they want.

---- Those factions Reese speak of are always armed, funded, trained, supported at some point by Anglo suppliers - European and/or American - that's interference Charley. While the French were supporting Rwandan Hutus, America was supplying the Tutsi rebels, but no white folks in the crossfire.

REESE: Our presence in Iraq is the only thing that made al-Qaeda viable. Our occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are the principal selling points in al-Qaeda propaganda. We have no interests, strategic or otherwise, in either country. The last thing al-Qaeda wants is for us to withdraw, which is why it should be the first thing we do.

---- Al-Qaeda (the base) was valid only in the '80s as Reagan's anti-Soviet "freedom fighters" which so many Reaganites like to say aided in the fall of the USSR. Al-Qaeda did not attack the US on September 11, 2001. Reese does not know what al-Qaeda wants or if the group actually exists. Al-Qaeda may be the name used now by a few in a new generation of the dead Osama followers but they no longer have funding from the US/CIA. Al-Qaeda in Iraq has been a media propaganda blitz in an attempt to justify the white folks latest hard money erection, a war-on (terror).

As for "no interests, strategic or otherwise, in either country" where have you been living Charley? War is always about "American interests." Profits. Oil. Geopolitical control.

REESE: Whatever someone imagines we gain by staying in Iraq and Afghanistan is far outweighed by what we are losing. We are losing lives in dribs and drabs, and we are losing treasure at an alarming rate. We have severe internal problems that our military presence in the Middle East aggravates. Our military is on the verge of being broken. Some Nobel laureates estimate the war will end up costing us $3 trillion. Well, plain and simple, we can't afford it.

REESE: We should never go to war unless there are tangible, identifiable benefits for the American people for doing so. Try to think of a benefit we have gained from Iraq or Afghanistan. There are none.

---- Reese essentially says interference should not be done when the cost is paid with US blood or treasury - the US should reap tangible benefits. Tangible benefits in any war has always been reaped by a select few; WWII contributed to the trickle down to build a large but brief middle class in the 1950s - which systematically for the last 45 years has been squeezed downward into the working class.

The "severe internal problems" of the US have to do with character, not cash. For Joe Blow there is never any "benefit" during war - only afterwards he may receive some largess from the windfalls of victory.

WWII was not about Jews/Hitler or stopping communism - just as Iraq was not about Saddam, another WMD "monster" created by the US. The US funded and nurtured Adolf Hitler, Nazism, and a few foolish fascist supporting royals in Europe. The US emerged as conquering heroes. The USA had beaten the old country, their European cousins, to become the wealthiest most powerful nation on the planet - much needed after the Great Depression and unfinished business of WWI.

And today, the US is not fighting Islam or al-Qaeda or a war on terror - that's propaganda for the sheople. It's the same money/power fight between white folks, particularly in the US and Europe. This time, however, Europe will not be fooled again.

Today, European ideals have attracted American "progressives" who are idiot enough to think that the US, a culturally mixed and non cohesive nation of 300 million, "can be like" Europe - you know, with free healthcare, legalized drugs, lower crime rates, sexually uninhibited, etc., like those small mostly white countries of 6-7 million; Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, etc. (In Zug, to encourage recycling, the police check your garbage if you do not have a prepaid sticker - the fine can be $400.)

This time the European powers have more Americans cheering their ideas and ideals. Or if not actively cheering European style socialism, they are likable Americans like Reese who tell the sheeple that the US has no strategic interests in the Middle East and should leave now. No interests there at all folks, nothing to see, move along.

Leave now, let the Iraqi have their civil war slaughter as Reese says, let the US pump the same amount of treasury into reparations and reconstruction - because the rest of the world (London bankers) say it is the right thing do. Leave Iraq now; Russia and Europe will mop up and Dutch Shell will ration the oil for you.

(Or worst case scenario Saudi and Iran step in to fan the fires in Iraq and then of course the US/Euro white folks are "forced" to save the day - WWIII. But I'm not sure yet if the goal is WWIII or the collapse of the USA as we know it; possibly both?)

This time the European powers have more nations on their team - which likely includes Russia and China. Forbes declared London the global hub/playground for Western billionaires. Europe has revived.

Don't believe for a minute that the Euro-descendants of bloody, ruthless, infighting white folk are peace loving peacekeepers. An old vet like Charley Reese with 50 years in journalism should know how the game is played. War, for many centuries, has been white folks fighting among themselves for global power.

Reese's "it's occupation, not war" is lowbrow rhetoric. Where have white folks ever waged war and not more or less permanently occupied? War is occupation.

While the US empire's fall will be labeled the overreach of those greedy, violent, imperialist Americans, it is in fact the same white folk power struggle that has gone on for a thousand years. And judging by the antipathy in public rhetoric - the US is going to lose this time around. Not that the US ruling class puppets will lose - they like London and Paris, just you the little guy will live much more meagerly.

So America, be careful what you wish for. You have more riding on the outcome of the US in Iraq than you imagine.


Anonymous said...

"While the US empire's fall will be labeled the overreach of those greedy, violent, imperialist Americans, it is in fact the same white folk power struggle that has gone on for a thousand years. And judging by the antipathy in public rhetoric - the US is going to lose this time around. Not that the US ruling class puppets will lose - they like London and Paris, just you the little guy will live much more meagerly."

This paragraph sums up in my opinion what is going on with the U.S.: Economy, outsourcing, immigration, escalating food and gas prices, credit card woes, housing bust. You name it, it seems to be summed up above.

Everything carefully orchestrated, approved and executed to bring about all of the fallout we see happening now in the U.S.

I bet the ordinary people living during the Roman Empire days would never imagine its ruin. Greedy, power hungry folks will ruin what "seems" like a good thing everytime.

My guess is something very small will bring about the topple of everything in our present situation.

Anonymous said...

That first paragraph is yours, just in case any of the other readers wonder where it came from.

Kate-A said...


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