Monday, February 22, 2010


Pediatricians Want Redesign of Hot Dogs, Candy to Curb Kids' Choking.

MONDAY, Feb. 22 (HealthDay News) -- The leading group of pediatricians in the United States is pushing for a redesign of common foods such as hot dogs and candies, along with new warning labels placed on food packaging, to help curb sometimes fatal incidents of child choking. Hot dogs are a prime offender, accounting for 17 percent of food-related asphyxiation in children under the age of 10, according to one study.

--- Wonder how many millions this "study" and bright idea of redesigning a hotdog cost taxpayers...This asinine proposal is because of those mothers who stick a wiener in the kid's hand, right out of the package/no bun, because it's the easiest meal for mom to make. I could walk down the street now and would see at least 1 toddler standing on a porch step with a runny nose and a cold hotdog dinner.

God, how did I manage to raise 5 kids without "leading group" studies and bureaucratic intervention. And how the hell do you redesign a hotdog?

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