Monday, October 31, 2005

Black Unemployment Drops Under Bush

by Jerry Bowyer
October 28, 2005
"On the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March this month, Louis Farrakhan led what he called the “Millions More Movement,” which, ironically, appeared to have hundreds of thousands fewer attendees.

Here’s a possible explanation: A lot of people had to work that day. After all, anybody keeping up with the African-American unemployment rate would know that it is at one of its lowest levels ever.

George W. Bush is laying a claim to be the President who did the best job creating jobs for blacks. Currently, black unemployment is 9.4%, which is significantly lower than the 10% it averaged in the Clinton years. The current rate is also much lower than the average black unemployment rate over the past 30 years, which is 12.4%."

And the reason Black unemployment is down ?
October 31, 2005
If you look at males aged 25-29 and by race, you can see what is going on even clearer, June 30, 2004:

For White males ages 25-29: 1,666 per 100,000.
For Latino males ages 25-29: 3,606 per 100,000.
For Black males ages 25-29: 12,603 per 100,000. (That's 12.6% of Black men in their late 20s.)

South Africa under apartheid (1993), Black males: 851 per 100,000
U.S. under George Bush (2004), Black males: 4,919 per 100,000


XYBØRG said...

Sobering statistics, yes. But only partially explained by recourse to the "racial injustice" analytic. This sorry state of affairs among Black males is one for which WE, in my view, share a great deal of the responsibility. Hence the importance I attach to the Farrakhan/Cosby ethos of personal accountability. The days of laying ALL of the blame at the feet of Mighty Whitey are long past. Sure there are disparities in the way justice is meted out to the different races for the same crimes. But that is hardly the whole picture or even a significant part of it anymore. The more blame we shift to others, the less agency we have in rectifying a condition that no-one else will.

But useful info, all the same. If for no other reason than to compel the Black male to stare his shameful condition in the face.

Kate-A said...

I agree. I think part of the discrepancy is as much class related as race. The poor more likely to plea bargain, use public defenders, fewer assets to mortgage for slick attorneys. Fewer mentors and examples at home.

But ask my children and grandchildren, no one was/is allowed to use mighty whitey as an excuse. ;)

hanson said...

Grab whom you must. Do what you want.

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