Friday, February 10, 2006

Glass Half Full

Someone over at Huffington reads this as "The inscription noting the duration of Bush's presidential term doesn't read "2001-2009." It reads "2001-BLANK." In other words, the statue says he's going to be president from 2001 through infinity!"

Or more of the canceled election crapoloa in "Is someone at the National Guard trying to warn us? Does President Bush plan to use his Executive authority under his wartime powers to cancel the 2008 election."

My first thought was perhaps Bush won't make it to 2009. Hope springs eternal ya know.


Anonymous said...

This is off topic but I thought you would like to see it.
A Jewish Perspective on G.W. Bush

I miss the picture at the top.

Kate-A said...

"publicly repent" wasn't it Poppy Bush who said 'we will never apologize'? He was talking of something else but I believe that mindset is the Bush family motto. But such thinking is the norm among the ruling class.

The Bush family represent what too many Americans think, Americans hiding behind various persuasions. Sometimes I think there's a collective death wish among the masses.

Mainstream media likely will never touch the Bush family Hitler connections; that tells us how wide and deep the like-minded are. If they decide to rid themselves of Bush's rule, playing up the Hitler connection would do it easily.

I think the pic at top is back now, must have been a blogspot glitch.

Anonymous said...

Dubya 2001 -

I read that Georgie's Skull & Bones nickname is "Temporary". fwiw


Kate's comment: "...The Bush family represent what too many Americans think, Americans hiding behind various persuasions. Sometimes I think there's a collective death wish among the masses.

Mainstream media likely will never touch the Bush family Hitler connections; that tells us how wide and deep the like-minded are. If they decide to rid themselves of Bush's rule, playing up the Hitler connection would do it easily."

I have often wondered about this type of behaviour, why some people don't seem to care or mind whenever someone lies, is caught lying, etc. I typically feel peeved or pissed (depending on the severity of the lie, its implications. It's like I have zero tolerance for deception. [insert sound of Burl Ives' Big Daddy, from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, bellowing "I despise mendacity!"]

So I have to wonder are those people (those who tolerate, ignore, or support lies and liars) equally or similarly corrupt, delusional, or insane?

When I hear that phrase, "You can't handle the truth!", I think "Yeah well, it's only liars who can't."

Also, many people do seem to have death wishes, not only homicidal or genocidal, but also suicidal ones. Creepy.

Take care all. Keep the faith :)

ziz said...

Given the VP's success with a gun Dubya may well not make it to 2009 ... or even next week if he goes quail shooting with Dick C.

Kate-A said...

Perhaps why Bush doesn't hunt with Cheney. ;)

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