Thursday, February 16, 2006


In my sometimes bizarro world, reading of Peter Benchley's death, I made a connection to this article on BushCo's 2007 budget :

"While this year's State of the Union looked to many like final proof of the death of Social Security privatization, you wouldn't know it by reading the FY 2007 budget released last week."

"Private accounts proposed are similar to the plan first suggested in last year's State of the Union address."

The sharks are circling. As I've stated before, we the peons are handed legislation our overlords decide is best, even if they have to backdoor us and later, after it becomes policy, they assure Joe Knownothing it's the best thing for him and his.

Without googling, can you list 3 legislative bills in the last 30 years that have been helpful, enhancing, beneficial to Citizen You.

At least one-third of Americans supported the privatization idea from the beginning, the elite support the idea (more funds for the Always-Siphoning-Off the Poor to Support Wall Street Inc.), so it's only a matter of time before some version of privatization is handed down from the Mount High Corruption Caucus. (Also recall that AARP initially endorsed BushCo's dinkering with Social Security issues.)

So, mark my words, steps toward SS privatization, or "private accounts" will take place before BushCo leaves office. By the time the government's shackles become a permanent tattoo – most of us today will be dead and buried - probably in the paupers grave (or urn) as Social Security lump sum death benefit ($255) is also targeted by BushCo for elimination. But keep heart, those fighting dems are planning intense opposition to any thought of cutting that $255 death payment. And you thought the dems didn't love you anymore.


Anonymous said...

While I would dearly love to 'throw the bums out' - I mean any of us, at least 25% of the population, could do a better job at governing - I am challenged to think of 3 useful 'bills' that helped me. I can think of EIC, earned income credit (is that a 'bill'?); ingredient/nutrition labeling on foods, and, um, (the CAFE mpg standard was 1975, odometer law 1972, hm, food stamps 1961), the Do Not Call! thing. There, three, lol. It did take some effort, for sure.

Kate-A said...

Thanks for trying. I'll agree the EIC was helpful to many, especially to pay off those payday loans and heating bills. Food labeling good, I just wish our food wasn't on steroids, antibiotics, waxed and sprayed.

Have to take the 1961 foodstamps from you though, that's 45 years ago. :) (Also CAFE and odometer over 30.)

The Do Not Call I wouldn't know, I use the Do Not Answer unknown. :)

It would be more pleasant if we could list hundreds of programs, bills, etc. that enhance our health, education, and livelihoods. All we got were labels and phone laws.

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