Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Iraq Study Group (old men fondling themselves and the public) : "The high-level panel's blunt unanimous review has placed enormous pressure on Bush to implement policies he once rejected, including engaging U.S. enemies in direct diplomacy to help stabilize Iraq and reprisals if the Iraqi government doesn't meet certain milestones."

--- "Reprisals" ? as in what ? the "Coalition" will resort to force, create chaos, steal their oil? Are we on the same planet?

"U.S. officials should immediately launch a major diplomatic offensive in the Middle East and hold talks with Iran and Syria, said the Iraq Study Group, and revert to a support role in Iraq by shifting more combat troops to act as advisers and trainers in the Iraqi army."

--- The Viet backassward Nam approach, use "advisers" after launching war rather than before.

"The panel didn't provide a specific timetable for withdrawal but said it should be accelerated if the Iraqi government doesn't make substantial internal progress."

--- No timetable but 79 problem solving ways "forward" or - look busy, the peasants are watching.

"There's no magic formula or guarantee of success in Iraq, said the 10-member panel, even if all of its 79 recommendations for stabilizing the country are effectively implemented in a co-ordinated way."

--- Not 1 of those 79 recommendations said bring them home now. "Gradual pullout" but no mention for what generation that takes place.

Iraq Panel/Study Group --- Damage control Bubba, perverts fondling your mind. A show panel of pretenders pretending to "pressure" Bush with one old woman (Sandra Day O') and a Black guy (Jordan) paneled for good measure. Not an Arab or Muslim or leftist in the bunch.

--- And, for more fondling, US President "George W. Bush's nominee to be secretary of defense said on Tuesday that the US is not winning the war in Iraq, and that failure there could help ignite "a regional conflagration" in the Middle East. Robert Gates, who will succeed Donald Rumsfeld as Pentagon chief if he is confirmed as expected, told senators that the US went to war in Iraq without enough troops, as some generals said at the outset of the conflict."

--- Rummy's replacement, Robert Gates, received a warm bipartisan welcome home to the halls of power. (Equivalent to replacing John Wayne Gacy with Jeffrey Dahmer as headmaster of the boys dorm.)

--- And, look how much Silvestre Reyes wanted that chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee, as he is now calling for more troops in Iraq to whip them there militias.

Reyes: "We’re not going to have stability in Iraq until we eliminate those militias, those private armies,” Reyes said. “We have to consider the need for additional troops to be in Iraq, to take out the militias and stabilize Iraq … We certainly can’t leave Iraq and run the risk that it becomes [like] Afghanistan” was before the 2001 invasion by the United States."

--- As if invading Afghanistan was a wise decision. Ya wanna see a drastic drop in heroin profits again? As if the mostly Anglo World hasn't already hired its own 100,000+ man "private armies" of contractors, cops, cooks, mechanics, and day laborers in Iraq? Ya wanna put these folks and the corporations who hire them out of work?

But, most important - it almost looks like everyone in DC is going to just all get along. Reaching across the aisle, working together to solve this mess; whew, sigh of relief, everything will be okie dokie Bubba.

I've never seen so much fondling of the public in my life, it's a bi-political pornocopia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

I like your term "pornocopia". That just about sums up where we stand today. Another expression that seems to apply in a Nguyen Kao KY kinda way is to grease up cause BOHICA happens. For those not totally up on vulgar acronyms, that would be "bend over, here it comes again".

Tonight, I discovered another sensible Midwesterner whom you might find sympatico with your own belief system:

Cheer up, dear. It's only two more years until the Democrats get a chance to screw us in the pornocopia pasa doble.


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