Friday, December 15, 2006

Rebel : "What About My Rights?" Arm of the State: "Fuck Your Rights, Praise the Lord"

Title above a line from a B movie, Rising Storm.

Lead stories this week on the net was Lohan's DUI and Rosie's halfass apology for imitating the Chinese with "ching chong, chong, chong, chong." I'm not a fan of Rosie, can't stand her, but political correctness ex-spurts claim "ching chong chong" is a no-no.

Even Technorati's #2 search a couple of days ago was Britney's crotch. Heehaw. The netizens of the world are gonna whip the global ruling class on the information highway - just after they finish googling and star crotching.

Already, sites have initiated the hopeful hero cheerleading; from Kucinich to Edwards to Obama to Hillary. Rah rah rah go career toadies go - but change little for the average guy or gal. It's not the career suit or skirt, or name, who will "change" the status quo – but don't let the fools who vote figure that one out.

Next candidate, or crotch, get in line please.

And America's "left" has gotta love this one, (but it reminded me of the movie mentioned above), from Chavez, on the road with Hugo to a new order of worldly warm fuzzies:

"Venezuela's congress unanimously backed a law requiring two years of monthly community service by all citizens, as President Hugo Chavez expands his plans for "21st Century socialism" to create new grassroots groups."

National Service Act ring a bell?

Is that code for a thousand points of light or is that the ding-dong of old Poppy Bushspeak : "I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding … I will go to the people and the programs that are the brighter points of light … old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and pitching in."

Venezuela's networking goal : "Each network would devise and present its own community service plan to a new government agency coordinated by the existing Ministry for Popular Participation … Citizens who fail to participate would face fines, to be deducted from paychecks or charged in the form of additional service hours. Non-complying institutions could be fined at 20 times that rate. Penalties, collected by the national tax agency, would fund future social service programs."

We're all gonna be a shining star, or uh "popular participation" people, taking part and pitching in, spreading our bright lights (REVENUE, free labor).

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