Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Politics of Fear

Why it's over for America. An inability to protect its citizens. The belief that it is above the law. A lack of democracy. Three defining characteristics of the 'failed state'. And that, says Noam Chomsky, is exactly what the US is becoming.

What ever does he mean by becoming?

Lemme see. So America was safe, law abiding, and democratic before? Hmmm, was that before the attempted Native American genocide or after they were corralled on reservations?

Was protecting its citizens before or after 350 years of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow? Democracy before or after women won the vote?

Above the law before or after incinerating part of Japan? Was that law abiding before or after 250 years of global expansion? Ummm, would democratic be before or after America's protected and free elite sold the nation to the highest corporate bidders?

Lawzy Mister Chomsky, we got to have a doctor, I don't know nothin' bout failed states.

If I knew Noam's height, 6' or 5'10" or whatever, I could gasp and say, with lifted brows and astonished voice, "I didn't know shit could be stacked that high."

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