Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Government Studs

Medicare premiums to rise 11.2 percent.

WASHINGTON - The elderly will face another double-digit rise in their Medicare premiums next year, resulting in monthly payments of nearly $100.

The monthly premiums for supplementary medical insurance will rise from $88.50 to at least $98.40, the Bush administration projected Tuesday. That’s an 11.2 percent increase, and it’s possible the amount will be slightly higher.

Mark McClellan, administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said the higher premiums are being generated through an increase in the volume of care provided Medicare patients. Doctors make greater use of imaging, physical therapy, lab tests and physician-administered drugs.

“We can’t keep pumping more money into a payment system that is not sustainable,” McClellan said.

KISS: When physicians and medical facilities could not sustain their titles of Medicare & Medicaid Millionaires on defrauding the public treasury, they introduced the "greater use of imaging, physical therapy, lab tests and physician-administered drugs" to stay on the gravy train.

KISS: "We can't keep pumping" money into the old and poor (and the corrupt medical field which serves them) because we's got to keep pumpin' money into War, Wall Street, and the global Banksters. (Pump your fist and say "Feels good.") Who's your grandma? Millie?

KISS: The government slowly begins to pick the pockets of the affluent, although in the case of Medicaid Millionaires I can't think of a more deserving class. Alas, Tom Frist and family (brother of good ol' boy Bill Frist) have made their money, with Tom's estimated wealth being 1.4 billion off of HCA fraud.

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