Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hot Frog Soup

Political networkers to get new Web site, HotSoup.

"HotSoup.com launches in October, shortly before U.S. congressional elections, and aims to draw top political personalities as well as grass-roots community organizers to swap opinions and ideas.

Its creators hail from the Democratic and Republican camps, including Joe Lockhart, who was press secretary to President Bill Clinton for two years, and Matthew Dowd, chief strategist for President George W. Bush's reelection campaign in 2004.

"There is a group of 30 to 40 million people in this country that are basically the (political) opinion drivers or influencers," Dowd said during a conference call. "All of us saw a need and desire for a richer conversation."

Ron Fournier, a former senior political writer for the Associated Press, will serve as editor-in-chief of the site."

- Oh my, the "ruling class" has such a sly sense of humor. Hotsoup, a sort of Hannity & Colmes online with a cast of millions of netroot folks. This oughta keep net-rooters occupied (and identified) in their "need and desire for richer conversation." That's quite the management team they're sending out. Hmmm, now why was the analogy that came to my mind that of a frog in boiling water?

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