Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ken Lay Dead

Well, knock me over with a feather. Ken Lay, Enron founder and overlord, found dead of a massive heart attack.

Condolences goes to wife Linda, children Robin and Mark, and future descendents who will enjoy the few billion Big Daddy Boy Lay put safely aside for them. Possibly using SWIFT tranfers (see below).

Big Daddy Lay claimed he had done all he could to avoid Enron's collapse, which he described as the "most painful thing" in his life. Indeed, for him nothing was more painful than the cash drawer slamming while both his hands were still in the till.

But you know Lay's death has to be a conspiracy, a wellstoning, as it is anatomically impossible for corporate vampires to have massive attacks of the heart. You have to drive a stake through them.

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