Monday, July 10, 2006

Trickle Trick

Today's rightwing truckling toad, Tom Nugent, writes an I-told-you-so smirk-smirk piece regarding the NYT headline: Tax Cuts Curb US Deficit.

Nugent points out that tax (rate) cuts to the wealthy work because of the Laffer Curve. Who-doo voo-doo economics. Reaganomics. Rightwing economists will point at charts and boast of the benefits of the Bush economy (with a straight face too), the corporate tax receipts, the rising tide in tax payments, and that the budget deficit will decline. Dems will spin it as yea, sure revenues are up but still lagging behind economic growth, and not what BushCo predicted, and where's the jobs, etc.

While senators and tycoons and experts from every aisle squabble and pen their economic spin on the matter what none explicitly mention (after their ooom…ohhh…ahhh capitalist orgasm) is where the "revenue" really goes:

You will not see new schools built or improved education from the receipts, or healthcare provided to all, or reduction in poverty. Nor more energy choices. You will not have "safer borders." Nor will you find high-wage factory start-ups dotting the land from sea to shining sea. There will not be architecturally amazing new dams, roads, or toll free highways built. Your inner cities will remain blighted. There will be no marvels of safe, affordable, rapid public transportation. I'll bet right now some of you are finding local/county services shutting down or cutting back. Brown clouds will continue to hang over the valleys and skyscrapers. Arsenic in your water. Funds for "community development" is code for more futuristic robogear to local cops from the Department of Homeland Security. Culturally you will continue to be informed and entertained with propaganda and garbage under the auspice of public access and first amendment "freedoms."

But lets KISS (keep it simple stupid) all the economic spin and call a government pie chart the real cow patty it is because :

The wealthy gladly forfeit a portion of rising income made from obscene profits in war portfolios, as they are guaranteed their tax payments are returned to them many times over, as usual, with more corporagovernment contracts. War is profit - Wall Street loves ya. The rich get richer and the poor get … to "make the world safe" for the whole grand con game.

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