Monday, August 21, 2006

Body Counts

Call me heartless but to be honest I am not fascinated by the political "body counts" of incumbent administrations. The counts are as numerous and distracting as gnats on a dog's butt. Today's "scandals" of illegal spying and suiciding low-level players are re-runs of the Clinton Era body count, Bush I body count, Reagan body count, Nixon, Johnson.

At the conclusion of the Alternet article on the 2 European "suicides" is this comment : "As more troubling revelations come out of Europe, it may become more difficult to ignore how easily spying programs can be hijacked for illegitimate purposes. The brave soul who pursues this line of inquiry, however, should fear for his or her life.

Hmmm, so spy programs easily hijacked for illegitimate purposes is a troubling revelation? To who? Governments and the powerful have spied on everyone since at least Moses. Hijacked – most overused word of the new millenium.

Brave soul should fear for his life? Death awaits if you pursue your government or powerful people? Is that the real point of the article – got fear? Or is it distraction, chasing assassination conspiracies that will still be theories a century from now.

The article mentions Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, aka Abu Omar, an Egyptian cleric who was granted political asylum in Italy in 1997, after seeking asylum in Albania, Bosnia, and Serbia. Beautiful Italy was 4th choice?

Omar was supposedly kidnapped in Milan and flown to Cairo. The Italians had him under surveillance due to his preaching jihad from a Milan mosque and have stated had he not been taken to Egypt he would be in an Italian prison now because of his connection to an Italian network of Islamic extremists.

Abu Omar's story is that after his February 2003 disappearance from a Milan street, allegedly kidnapped by CIA, he was held in a Cairo prison for over a year, where he was interrogated, tortured, starved, beaten, subjected to freezing temperatures, force fed, electric shocks, etc. and then released in April 2004 under house arrest.

House arrest for an "Islamist extremist" after multiple intel agencies had launched such an elaborate kidnapping and interrogation plot? But a house arrest is better than Gitmo.

My question is, after wanting Abu Omar for a decade or more for involvement in an Islamic group which preached the overthrow of the Egyptian government, why did the Egyptians release him? Could they not make any charges stick? The teflon imam.

Why Egyptian intel didn't carry out the "kidnapping" alone beats the hell out of me. It's not as if Egypt's intel agency isn't capable. Egypt's first president, Nasser, 1956-1970, quickly put in place an intelligence network, according to the Odessa file, with the aid of former Nazis; similar to the CIA bringing Herr Gehlen to the US via the Dulles boys. Supposedly the Odessa file shows the Dulles boys invited fleeing Nazis to aid Nasser in setting up Egypt's new republic intel apparatus. (The CIA was behind Nasser in the 1952 military ousting of King Farouk aka spreading democracy.)

The 1950s was the decade of optimizing good ol' boy talents of Nazis who were allowed to survive and thrive after WWII. Winners and losers in WWII scrambled to acquire the best of German brains, Nazi or not.

The last time I checked 26 CIA agents have been named by Italian authorities in the illegal "rendition" of Abu Omar. What? Those 26 plus the dozens of Egyptian, US, Italian, and god knows who else allegedly in on the plot – not exactly a black op. Why not take out an ad in the paper: Keystone Spies Snatch & Grab Imam for Catch and Release Program.

At any rate, one theory now is that the abduction of Omar led to the subsequent death/murder/suicide of Adamo Bove, who " … at the direction of Milan prosecutors, … used mobile phone records to trace how a "Special Removal Unit" composed of CIA and SISMI agents abducted Abu Omar and flew him to Cairo where he was tortured." Bove's discoveries led to, according to Slate magazine Italy's Watergate.

Rest assured Italy's watergate will bring as much change in Italian politics as Watergate did for the US.

Bove had been employed, I believe since 2000, as head of security at Telecom Italia. Bove's work "discovered a flaw in the system allowing people to enter the Telecom system without a trace. Bove showed "… that private companies and reporters in connection with SISMI were able to access information regarding Italian citizens, using the system in place for legal wiretapping." Sound familiar? Similar to our own highly publicized and scandalous system of illegal snooping on millions of citizen Joes.

Bove, an investigative cop made a name for himself a decade ago when he caught two Camorra bosses, Francesco Schiavone and Mario Fabbrocino. Frank and Mario were involved in a slightly different sort of politics, the politics of drugs and crime … well actually no difference at all as drugs, crime, and politics are their own axis of evil.

After decades of crime bosses running Naples, becoming a "camorrista" was a criminal ideology young men aspired to, that is until Pasquale Galasso turned state's evidence in 1992 and sang like a canary. The Italian version of America's Joe Valachi, one of the first and few mobsters who violated omerta (code of silence). Being married to a Sicilian I have no problem believing Bove could have been murdered by the mob; it's unnerving how some folks never "get over it."

The CIA, and all national intels, use multinational mid-level executives as NOCs. Could Adamo Bove have been such a creature? A businessman/cop/spy doing a job for an intel group? Was there a security flaw as Bove claimed which allowed rampant easy untraceable access by anyone on anyone? How can we know who, when, what was accessed if access was untraceable? Is it a "look, someone snooped on you but we don't know who." Likely the guy demanding money or favors did it.

Evidence to the Greece illicit eavesdropping scandal has been destroyed. Oh well, take their word for it.

The average Joe of the West has long enjoyed the illusion of privacy, and spying was something governments did only on foreign bad guys to keep Joe safe and free. Joe buys that propaganda, usually all the way to purple hearts and the cemetery.

Monitoring Joe Average began in earnest back in 1936 with the SSN; similar to the Nazi's indexing of prisoners with serial numbers and/or tattoos; as technology advanced so did encroachment on the life of Joe Average, specifically what Joe does with his money which Big Brother intends to take as much of as possible. Today Joe's life is indexed in detail but without the physical tattoo. However, give the World Order more time. Chips are likely in the future; the evolution to neatness and invisibly tattooing the slaves, again, promoted as safety precautions.

I guarantee that any nation's domestic spying programs on Joe Blow is done for one reason and one reason only : REVENUE. Be it IRS debt collectors, taking Joe's bourgeois assets if need be, Joes who avoid taxation, con artists, non-State sanctioned illicit drug dealers, grandma's bank account receiving untaxed funds from the kids, etc.

We are all on the national/international radar. That out-of- state speeding ticket Joe ignored 20 years ago is gonna pop up the next time he renews his license, that 5K student loan with mega interest now at 25K he owes, those old tax warrants and liens – Joe's past is gonna catch up and take a big surprise bite, while he fears Big Brother snoops his 887-HOT-DATE calls and might know about that penis implant.

It's no coincidence that Italy's domestic spying scandal runs along with the US domestic spying, the Brits domestic surveillance, and other Anglo nations spying. Run white people run, the government is spying on you. I suppose those of us who, for generations, are accustomed to being watched simply for being Black, the idea of being "watched" does not create the same level of fear. Most Blacks have a healthy distrust of power/government - having always known "the man" can and will crawl up your ass at any time with a fine-tooth comb.

"Spying" on Joe is not for his political views, which are no threat with rigged elections, corporate world order, government sanctioned dumbing and doping and coddling of Joe – all the connected spying databases are simply the latest tool to track and nickel and dime Joe to death.

It works for the elite. Keeps Joe from demanding pols and laws which might prevent and/or lessen elite power. I.e. 6 year term limits for all DC pols, publicly funded campaigns, banning lobbyists, demanding an end to wealthyfare, an end to funding the war on drugs, war on terror, and other bogus programs and agencies. Now that would take a brave soul.


Anonymous said...

Why was Abu Omar released?

I say the CIA either Greenbaumed or MK-ULTRAed his ass for use as an asset( if he wasn't one already)

Kate-A said...

Considering the date of kidnapping, Feb '03, before Iraq War began, I would lean toward thinking Omar is someone's asset.

As of June '06 Omar was back in a Cairo prison (comfortably I'm sure) and trying to return to Italy and sue Berlusconi for Italy’s involvement in his kidnapping. He sounds more like an aging yuppie lawyer than a jihadist.

Kate-A said...

Yes, he taught me all about bread. His mamma taught me everything I needed to know about pasta. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

Interestingly, my seeming non sequitor to the U.S. brasshat support for Greater Israel, i.e. asking you to comment on the Adamo Bove-C.I.A.-Abu Omar story seems to have elicited a cornucopia of further non sequitors. Sort of the "be fruitful and muliply" approach to prosperity.

I'd kind of hoped that you were following along with the same sort of stories I'd previous mentally filed in the "Bove" category. Things like the peculiar death of Dr. David Kelly, the cover-up Hutton Commission, throw in a dash of Michael Ruppert and Christopher Bollyn and voila, we have the beginnings of an understanding of a pattern of behavior of our political leadership (Bush, Blair & Berlusconi) working through their various abracadabra "intelligence" units ("open SISMI!") to keep down the honest riff-raff and hoi polloi of investigators, journalists and the other detritus of democracy.

But alas, in a near-nihilistic notion of "wrapping it all up", I see your Bove's story led us into a netherworld of seemingly unanswerable questions.

Here's one I will address... you say: "Why Egyptian intel didn't carry out the "kidnapping" alone beats the hell out of me."

To which I will respond that it is a matter of motivation. Say, just for the hell of it, that some Western power is interested in fomenting a "clash of civilizations". Wouldn't the torture of a leading Islamic cleric serve nicely once he's released and can share his outrage with his followers? Here's another lead for you to consider:

The Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group. Purpose? To stick America's fist into an Islamic hornet's nest and enjoy the show.

Alas, poor Adamo Bove got in the way of the circus, and fell off his high-wire.

But the capture of Abu Omar served no purpose to the Mubarak regime. Mubarak already has tamed the jihadists and the old Muslim Brotherhood types. He would have no reason to kidnap Abu Omar, whereas for people like Cheney and Rumsfeld, there's a goldmine of geostrategic advantage to be harvested by behaving totally outrageously toward a holy man and tantalizing the terrorism tango.

More on P2OG:

[Kate, I only send these things because I admire your ability to analyze the world around you. It's nice to correspond with someone with a working mind, such a rarity in America today, don't you think? (wink) ]

Kate-A said...

I think Ruppert left the US b/c he now has ample funds to do so quite comfortably. There's a great sailing crowd of characters from Caracas to Belize.

As for Bollyn I haven't seen any mention of what he was charged with but he is not telling all the facts or is writing fiction with his armored thug cop episode; sensationalizing his own commonplace life.

I take neither Ruppert or Bollyn seriously. Especially Bollyn.

Western powers fomented their Clash of Civilizations on 9/11/01 and it has not generated the response they expected, i.e. an imitation WWI and WWII doughboys rushing to kill all the terrorists as directed by dear leaders. I suspect "they" realize by now that even as dumb as the masses are they're not dumb enough to volunteer for the latest enemy-ism of the ruling elite.

While the Muslim world may have its extremists, they number no more, and likely less, than the number of Christian jihadists. I don't see Omar as wanting to lead a suicide brigade after a sly decade of pasta and wine. It's been my experience that most extremists cure their fever when their environment is comfortable; although the "leader" may try to keep his coffers full with firing up others. But even then, most followers donate coin but not their lives.

There are no great hordes of suicide/homicide bombers, however much the Euro/Usrael wishes for them. Look at the poor-ass scenarios of "planned attacks" we've had to witness. The good ol' op boys even have to infiltrate and bring the money and materials to get a group to plan anything. Sharon seemed to get a suicide bus bomber when he needed it most.

Not to say there are no such bombers, but the extent is the question. What's genuine and what's an intel op for political agenda.

The ruling elite will never arm large numbers of "ists" at home or abroad. They will and do support/supply groups to foment trouble, but they maintain control, i.e. the contras and bin Laden in the '80s, etc.

There have always been groups such as the P2OG. When we are told of groups such as this, I question if it is more mis-information than revelation, an op, something for the chattering masses.

Perhaps for no other reason than another nail in the coffin of BushCo public opinion, on the road to the next administration ending this war - now that trillions have been squandered and rerouted to the global elite.

As for declassified tales such as Northwoods, etc. I remember my own parents, grandparents, and great grandparents talk of faked government events from the turn of the century on down. Perhaps those declassed papers just mirror what a portion of the public already knows or supsects. Many more people distrust power today than in my parents' day - perhaps even that is part of the overall plan. Might set the stage for a majority of folks being amenable to a global governance if their own government is so corrupted and failed.

I prefer a frontal assault. Limit the power and stop funding the bastards. But confrontation could be what brings another "attack" on the people, one worse than 9/11. As it is now, the ruling class are tossing out their distractions, wannabees are writing their books, and the propaganda from all sides gets deeper and deeper. It wears a body down, intentionally.

It's also nice for me to have "working minds" respond to this blog. The few nasty non working minds use email more often than not. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

Well, we're largely in agreement about Ruppert and Bollyn. Subsequently to the (self-published) news breaking about Bollyn's arrest, I was presented with some of his recent work, which more or less took my breath away with regard the vehemence of the anti-semitism expressed by Bollyn. I may find fault with Usrael, as you coin it, but I'm not basing my antipathy on a racial basis, rather, I find the Israeli leadership to be just as wantonly criminal and self-serving as the Bushistas.

Which leads us to this:

"Western powers fomented their Clash of Civilizations on 9/11/01 and it has not generated the response they expected, i.e. an imitation WWI and WWII doughboys rushing to kill all the terrorists as directed by dear leaders."

Au contraire, mon ami, I think you are mistaken about how much interest George Bush had in recruiting a citizen's army for his M-I-C's "Clash of Civilizations(TM)". As Sam Spade, Sen. Harry Truman or Jim Garrison might say, it's important to follow the money. Remember when George Bush told us all to "go shopping" in the wake of 9/11? He could just as easily have called on his audience to join the military. He could be calling on his loyal GOP flock to do so today. But he doesn't engage in that. Why? I will argue that it is because large standing armies are completely superfluous to the War Profiteers, and to the real purposes of war, i.e. making money. Gobs of money. Hopefully in bricks of untraceable $100 bills.

With an army one-third the size that we had stationed in Vietnam at the height of that racket, we now have a military-industrial complex raking off about 300% as much in profits as it did from Vietnam. This Iraq quagmire is more of a quag-mine, a gold-mine of epic proportions.

Imagine how all this is sanguinely viewed from the corner offices at Halliburton, General Dynamics, Lockheed, GE, Boeing, etc. I have done so and I think the executives of these companies are delighted with themselves and their ability to generate billions in profits without all that pesky nonsense about maintaining massive standing armies full of inquisitive second-guessers. The efficiency with which the American taxpayer's wallet is being picked today, compared with Vietnam, is simply breathtaking.

I have to say, unequivocably, that the current efficiency of the military-industrial complex, looked at without regard to such Lilliputian impediments as ethics, morals or legality, is a stunning capitalist success story! Too bad about destroying the American Republic and all...

Further reading:

Kate-A said...

Excellent points. The profiteers loot the nation this time w/o actually needing more boots to fill, feed, quarter, arm.

And they will continue to profit as the US will be in Iraq/ME for a very long time.

I do think the planners/Pnac-kers thought the public more gullible. While perhaps not as gullible as past generations, the masses do seem to prefer the path of least resistance - go shopping was what they wanted to hear.

I agree 100 percent with you on Israel; nothing to do with race/creed, simply criminality.

Thanks Ray.

Anonymous said...


There's entirely too much agreement going on around here! (wink)

I'll catch up with you on one of your upcoming posts. The NYC strangulation thing seems pretty cut-and-dried (blood) to me.

In the meantime, an interesting 9/11 Truth vs. MSM interchange came to my notice today:

Hopefully you can access this. If not, the gist of it is that a really well-spoken and diplomatic 9/11 Truther actually got a Denver Post columnist to respond to a couple thoughtful emails. What she wrote, however, was completely disappointing. In essence she said (to paraphrase) 'yes, I'm aware that the 9/11 official story is a lie, but I work for the MSM so telling the truth isn't high on my list of goals.'


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