Saturday, August 05, 2006

Village Idiots Found

Uri Avnery (nee Helmut Ostermann), a leftwing radical peace activist, has a piece at Counterpunch .

According to Wiki, Avnery was a "member of the Revisionist Zionist paramilitary group, Irgun" and later in life became a leftwing activist and founded the Peace Bloc. He also contributes to LewRockwell and his life was documented in the 2002 Warrior For Peace.

(I'm not certain what to call this emotion - but "leftwing radical" writers I once enjoyed, absolutely bore the shit out of me these days.)

In this recent article over at Counterproductiv .. I mean Counterpunch, Avnery writes War of the Generals - Knife in the Back. Basically stating that once Israel's current war ends the politicians and generals will point fingers, and in fact have already commenced.

Avnery points to Olmert-Peretz as the fall guys for losing this round for Israel, describing the pair as the "two village idiots, to the sound of drums and bugles, … set off at the head of their March of Folly straight towards political and military failure."

He states Israel's arrogance led to the latest exercise in war. The same army that took 6 days to whip 3 big Arab armies in 1967 cannot today whip a small "terrorist organization." I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I'm awfully tired of hearing the word "arrogance" used to describe warmongering dirtbag politicians.

This comment in Avnery's piece is a real doozy: "Bush is frustrated. The Israeli army has not "delivered the goods". Bush sent them into war believing that the powerful army, equipped with the most advanced American arms, will "finish the job" in a few days. It was supposed to eliminate Hizbullah, turn Lebanon over to the stooges of the US, weaken Iran and perhaps also open the way to "regime change" in Syria. No wonder that Bush is angry."

Bush sent the Israeli army to war? What? Ya gotta be kidding. The Commander in Thief? Who in their right mind believes Bush has made any decisions in 5+ years? Who believes Bush is doing as he's told? Who believes Israel is doing Bush's bidding?

Avnery would have me believe our village idiot sent 2 of Israel's village idiots into war.

It's another chess move by the global elite. (When guys like Olmert and Bush are pawns imagine where you and I stand in the game.) The 1967 war, when Israel made the Arabs cry uncle in less than a week, made today's players figure they could do a repeat, and probably for the same reason (WWIII). Back then the Arab world backed off – gotta wonder who's really smarter.

In 1967 the 6 Day War also began over a border incident and Israel launched a "preemptive strike" on Egypt. Jordan, Syria, and Iraq entered the fray while the armies of Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan, etc. stood ready to help "drive the Jews into the sea." Or so we were told anyway. Apparently the Arab world in 1967 was not all that intent on driving to the sea as they picked up their turbans and went home on the 7th day.

But the Middle East geography has changed in 40 years. Pretty much the only countries Usrael has not bought, broken, or occupied are Syria and Iran. Did Israel begin this latest offensive in Lebanon with the idea of drawing in Syria and Iran, the pretext for getting WWIII going full throttle? Was Bush the Boy Dunder egging, excuse me – sending – no wait - commanding! Israel onward to war in Lebanon?

Avnery is one of the "leftists" who credits Bush as capable of formulating strategery when he states that Bush thought Israel could eliminate Hizbullah, turn Lebanon over to the US, regime change Syria, and weaken Iran.

Bush is a retard (I mean that in the kinder and gentler sense of the word, as in hindered, slow). Bush doesn't think, and particularly not about what is going on in the world, he lacks the capacity; he follows orders. Bush waits mincing, wincing, smirking and painfully wishing time would pass faster, to hurry his return to Jack Daniels and clearing brush as atonement.

Avnery continues with: "At the start of the war, the government furiously rejected the idea of deploying an international force of any kind … Now, suddenly, the deployment of this force has become the main aim of the campaign" … now Israel is only warring to "prepare the ground for the international force."

"Furiously rejected" huh? Who can say inserting NATO peacekeepers was not the plan from the beginning? NATO - another NWO acronym. Preparing ground huh. Maybe the confusion of whether to call it WWIII, IV, V comes from the village idiots who have attacked on many fronts.


Anonymous said...

When guys like Olmert and Bush are pawns imagine where you and I stand in the game.

Yes indeed. Great post.

Anonymous said...

"I mean that in the kinder and gentler sense of the word, as in hindered, slow.."

Yes, great post. Your aim is stil true. Thanks for being kind and gentle about it, though. :-]

Missed ya, katea. (I've been absent.)

A Friend

Kate-A said...

I'm so glad you're still around. I was worried about you.

Welcome back. :)

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