Friday, February 02, 2007


International nuclear investigators have confirmed that Iran is beginning to install equipment in the large underground chamber in Natanz, the center where Iranian officials have said they will move to industrial-scale enrichment of uranium, according to foreign diplomats and American officials. Nonetheless, the move signals a continued defiance of the United Nations Security Council, which demanded last summer that Iran suspend all uranium enrichment. At the White House on Friday, the spokesman for the National Security Council said, "This clearly demonstrates that Iran is not moving to meet the U.N.’s mandate."

At the White House on Friday, the spokesman for the National Security Council said, "This clearly demonstrates that Iran is not moving to meet the U.N.’s mandate."

"Instead of inviting I.A.E.A. ambassadors, Iran should invite I.A.E.A. inspectors," said Gregory L. Schulte, the American ambassador to the atomic agency. "Iran should give them access to all the documents, nuclear facilities and individuals that it has refused to provide access to in the last three years."

He added that a United Nations resolution requires Iran to suspend its nuclear activities. "Suspending them would build confidence," he said. "Showcasing them does not."

---- It's showtime folks! UNilateral excuse to do some preemption, a "peacekeeping" mission, a nookularpissinator contest, the Tehranayatollah versus Crawfordassahollah. Iran even gives the chamber name and location. Sounds like cooperation to me.

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