Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ziggy Working the Crowd

Making the rounds - Zbigniew Brzezinski … "tacitly warned a Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week that an attack on Iran could be launched following a staged provocation in Iraq or a false flag terror attack within the U.S."

Yep, ol' Ziggy, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller cohort, long-time player and prevaricator for American political parties, warns us. Although generally associated with Democrats/progressives Brzezinski seems to enjoy the company of both sides of the aisle; sometimes referred to as the Democrats Henry Kissinger (meaning you get a kiss before bending over).

An advocator of NATO expansion throughout the 1990s, perhaps he belongs to club NATO as oppposed to club UN. Both will club you to death – only varying in their grandiose language of how much, when, where, and who will do most of the clubbing. We're all baby seals to these people.

Zig in this interview openly admits that the covert funding under Carter of the Taliban regime was a smart idea : "The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire." Brzezinski refers to the Taliban as "some stirred-up Moslems."

So what shitpot is he stirring now? Because Ziggy does stink. Giving the USSR its Vietnam, never mind how many innocent Afghans will die at Russia's hand, it's a grand chess board, right Ziggy?

Now comes Brzezinski to warn the American public of a "false flag" and/or "staged provocation" regarding Iran – he's working the crowd. In the event there is such a false staging – the crowd and its lemming leader will most assuredly push for international constraint in US governance, since apparently yanks cannot govern themselves unsupervised.

If no such false event, Brzezinski has succeeded in pushing the meme that the US is out of control – we should follow the past has-been empires, you know the Brits, the Soviet Union ... ? Won't some global respected body please stop US before US destroys the world? Make US a former empire, hurry. At the least, he manages to scare democrats, and more than a few republicans, shitless, and reinforce the myth that we the sheeple have a choice, just dump the "neocons" and install the other cheek of the globocorporate ass.

As an expert lifelong manipulator of the sheeple – Brzezinski now says a "staged provocation … false flag" could occur. Begs the question - where was Ziggy with warning of a false flag within the US pre-09/11/01, by some "stirred-up Moslems."

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