Retired Generals
Attack of the Generals, flap flap flap, six, count 'em, six retired generals to date are asking for the head of Donnie Rumsfeld. In this Nation article General Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf was credited as having "conquered Iraq almost single-handedly in 1991." Huh? We're still waging war on a nation we conquered and carcassed 12 years previously? Maybe Norman received more credit than deserved.
NATION: "The generals might not have broken tradition and silence if there had been a civilian political party with the onions to attack Rumsfeld. Instead, all that could be heard from the bunch of tapioca-eaters in Congress, collectively known as the Democrats, was the murmur of demurral. Make an exception for Representative John Murtha and Senator Russ Feingold, who don't lack onions but do lack followers. Somebody had to do something, and soldiers are doers. So this time, at least, forgive the generals. Let's hope the Democrats can give us a plausible imitation of impassioned, fighting politicians. Then the generals can go back to their war games."
Onions? Tapioca? Murtha and Feingold have onions? Maybe they lack followers because even Joe Stupid is smart enough to know a tossed salad when he sees one. I seldom read The Nation anymore but did they always have morons writing like this?
At least one of these retired generals, John Batiste, admits waiting until retirement to publicly speak out. Wouldn't wanna lose any benefits. Batiste is not against war. He's just against Rummy running it. As he said to Lehrer "I'm not indicting the president one bit. I'm just saying that I came back from Germany to my country and I found that the people were not mobilized, not sacrificing for this incredible effort. If it's the country's main effort, let's all get behind it."
The generals just want we the people to "get behind it." More sacrifice. Do more than trash-up the bumper with decals and stickers. Mobilize : to assemble and make ready for war duty.
They want to see a WWII type sacrifice – enlist now, put Rosie Riveter to work, ration supplies, give all for the Homeland effort. The generals want a Secretary of Defense the public will get behind since Donald hasn't whipped the public up for more gung-ho hooya militarism. Get your khaki in gear. "Let's all get behind it."
The way the "left" yaks it up you'd think these generals want to join hands, sing harmony and give the world a soft drink. Go ahead. Fire Rumsfeld. Give the generals a Defense Mobilizer, one more suited to this incredible effort.
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