Thursday, August 23, 2007

Smiley Doodle Dandy

(CBS/AP) Officials at an Arizona school suspended a 13-year-old boy for sketching what looked like a gun, saying the action posed a threat to his classmates.

"My son is a very good boy [who] doesn't get into trouble," the boy's mother, Paula Mosteller, told CBS affiliate KPHO correspondent Mary Valenzuela. "There was nothing on the paper that would signify that it was a threat of any form."

"He was just basically doodling and not thinking a lot about it."

The Chandler Unified School District declined to give more details about the incident. Spokesperson Terry Locke said in a statement, "Federal privacy law forbids the school or district from discussing student discipline."

There's nothing in a portion of the student handbook that addresses conduct to indicate the drawing of a weapon poses threat, KPHO reported.

There is, however, a rule that says students should not engage in "threatening an educational institution by interference with or disruption of the school."

-----Ahhhhh, the kind of story the "left" loves to yell about as "eroding your freedom" mind control, thought police, etc. Onward rage, onward. A 3 day suspension! When will the madness end! After all, the boy's parents are not even gun advocates and don't have guns in the home!

And the kind of story the "right" can sneer and utter a moral tidbit, i.e. a posted response to the above story "What can you expect from our public school system? It has been completely overrun by liberal teachers and administrators, I had to take my children out of those schools so they could be educated rather than brainwashed."

Reality probably hides somewhere, in between the phallic long barrel of a magnum and the silly smiley faces – bring in the psychologists, quick.

Perhaps zero tolerance is being used in public schools now 'o days for kids whom the powerless teachers/babysitters find disagreeable.

My future son-in-law is an elementary teacher, 10 y/o students. If he sends a student to the principal's office for being constantly disruptive the child's momma or dad, liberal and conservative, Black or white or brown (usually white), will promptly call the principal and/or school board to dump a lot of angry bile because their baby boy was "humiliated." Good luck with all that prideful self-importance later in life little Billy.

Perhaps the young artist should join JROTC – but I would wager the artist is a smartass who consistently does what he knows will irritate the hell out of the adults around him, what we used to call a little prick.

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