Sunday, September 25, 2005

For An Effective Protest

An Orange County editorial offers an opinion on how to have an effective protest :

"Most of all, we hope that they reflect not just a radical fringe group of knee-jerk Bush-haters, but the growing number of ordinary Americans - around 60 percent according to most polls - who have come to see the war in Iraq as a mistake."

"Ms. Sheehan's statements have sometimes gone beyond understandable anger about the war to embrace a range of radical causes. We think that is a mistake. Ordinary Americans who love their country and don't see it as the source of most of the evil in the world but are upset about the Iraq war need to see a reflection of themselves, of a broader Middle America, in this weekend's events. Otherwise they are likely to dismiss the protests as the work of people who will leap at any opportunity to "blame America first."

"Some signs are less than hopeful. The Washington organizers might have asked for a speaker from Pat Buchanan's American Conservative magazine, which has opposed the war steadfastly from the beginning. But the speakers we saw listed on the United for Peace and Justice Web site were all from the left side of the spectrum. When the anti-war movement, to borrow a phrase, starts to look like America, the politicians will start to pay attention."

How does the writer know Buchanan or other conservatives weren't invited to speak? I'm not sure what radical causes or left-sided spectrum the writer is whining about, or what the movement needs to "start to look like America" in his eyes. The few minutes I caught of the rally yesterday on Cspan had a lesbian singing, a Black guy speaking on the victims of Katrina, and an American Iraqi for peaceful solutions. Are those the "radical fringe group of Bush-haters" he speaks of? Maybe the writer thinks straight, white Christians, upset with Iraq War, and who only request an end to this particular venture without assigning blame, would look more like his "Middle America,' the America he thinks politicians pay attention to.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday we had a demonstration in Orlando. We had about 50 demonstrators for 3 hours standing in the sun. The demonstration was at one of the busiest intersections in town, we had exactly 3 people say something against us on my side of the street.
There must have been over a thousand that honked and gave us a thumbs up. I especially liked the mini convoy of reservists stopped at the light that gave a thumbs up to my draft the twins sign. They don't know it but they are in my sons old unit.
The one car load of service age chickenhawks that informed us were "uninformed about world situations" were all wearing University of Florida tee shirts. Did you know that U of F has the football stadium named for Katkerine Harris of the famed 2000 election debacle?
I invited them to run right down and enlist in the Army and volunteer for Iraq but the light changed before they could answer.

Kate-A said...

The last demonstration I attended was Feb. '03, with my daughter, granddaughter and very old mother. There were maybe 2 dozen protestors. We too had honks and thumbs up which surprised us. We had a large sign on which we used duct tape to simply say DUCT BUSH. I had the feeling no one wanted war but felt powerless to stop it.

It was cold, wet, freezing sleet and I kept thinking maybe I'm too old for this shit, or at least need a warmer climate to do it in.

I agree, draft the twins ... and Cruella Harris.

Anonymous said...

I agree, draft the twins ... and Cruella Harris.
I love that.

Anonymous said...

draft me so I can get the heck outa here!

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