Monday, September 18, 2006

Reasons "Progressives" Disappoint

One, obvious one, they believe the slop thrown to them by the "progressive" elites. I could cite hundreds of specifics but pretty much anything found on CommonerDreams, TruthOut, AntiWar, DissidentVoice, Online Journal, DailyKos and other liberal lounges, etc.

Icons everywhere - Palast, Moore, Chomsky, Fisk, Blum, Leopold, Madsen, Huffington. They're like friends you enjoy conversations with but wouldn't want watching your back in a real fight. They would, as a friend should, shriek "watch out!" as the knife is driven between your shoulder blades; not willing to get into the fray and muss up their hair or nails. All the favorite progressives telling us to "wake up" are themselves part of the scam, or are nodding off much of the time, waking long enough to sell a new book on the evils of the incumbents.

Watch closely as more than a few sites/icons change sides when the oval office changes party. All changes of heart are attributed to the search for truth and justice of course, not because antagonism markets better. Many of them "open their eyes," sometimes every 4 to 8 political years.

Ninety-eight percent of the time reading a "liberal" site is like reading Freepers, in reverse. Progressive "movements" ? Where ? You mean the Camp Demo thingy at Washington Mall? Yes, impeachment, yes! Impeachment stopped Billy Jeff Clinton from getting anymore blowjobs in the WH. What did they say it would stop this time?

Secondly, progressive leadership wastes political energy on issues that are either a.) unwise in the long-term, such as supporting immigration in a nation already short on jobs, healthcare, fair social programs, quality education, etc. or b.) focus on staged scandals that change nothing, i.e. Plamegate, Monicagate, Torturegate, WMDgate; the leaking and outcome was planned long ago for these gaters. Hell, everyone with half a brain knew SH didn't have WMD and "they" knew you knew and planned for it.

Remember the benefits of Watergate, Billygate (Carter), Contragate, etc. Today's "gate-keepers" think the gates are much more serious today, it's not your grandfather or father's "gate"; sort of the way every generation of teens think their generation is the first to discover really, really serious hot sex.

Everyone will be given enough feel-good foddergate to claim their side won a point. It's all political carnival via talking heads cacophony mixed with sneering and jeering, while 75 percent of Americans on the street with Letterman wouldn't know who or what is a Plamegate. Shit, they still think Saddam had WMD and in on 9/11.

Thirdly, white progressives pretty much dismiss Black America aside from the handful of figureheads who are part and parcel of the status quo. Many Blacks feel "progressives" are more concerned with Middle East victims, Abu Ghraib, Hispanic immigration victims, and Gitmo prisoners; more than they are with Tyrone forced to toss prison salad for the guys in C block. Progressives do fall for "the system is just so he must be guilty" syndrome and therefore let us not dwell on American prisons. Especially, if employed or benefiting from the industry. Put out a documentary and they'll come back to the issue when foreign problems are calmed down and they need an interim cause.

Katrina could have been an opportunity to ignite and mobilize angry Black America but leading progressives spent their energy lambasting BushCo on logistic failures and corruption during and after the storm. Neither the "left" or "right" in this country want to see an angry Black America again. Mission accomplished. Put out a documentary. Domestic issues, please go to the rear of the bus.

Fourth, progressives shill about voting rights for Blacks (and whites). As if voting has made a difference in anyone's lifetime. Lets vote a few dollars more so Taqueta's momma can sit in the projects getting government nickels and dimes to raise Taqueta's crack babies. So momma can watch her cable all week and every other Sunday fry up some chicken to take to Tyrone at DOC (department of corrections). And you can change those names to momma, Peggy, and Darrell for millions of other "voters." Yessiree, millions of mommas and Taquetas and Tyrones and Peggys and Darrells – all worried about their right to vote a Democrat into the WH.

All are supposed to worry about "voting rights" when elections are rigged, parties corrupt, in a system that has always been based on elite white privileged hegemony? Progressives slash left slash liberal slash democrats – blind in one eye and can barely see out of the other. But, as with the "right" their "core base" is who they're playing to. A base as dumb and gullible as the right's.

Progressive leaders dismiss Black power as quickly as the "right" does, but will trot out McKinney and Maxine as needed. Middle and lower class white and Black love 'em. These occasions are the system's way of occasionally allowing lower classes integration. But generally best to keep the poor and middling focused on separate race-gender-income-industry specific issues, while shilling these "together" events as some sort of unity, a collectivism of the masses.

Name 'em security moms, soccor moms, Nascar dads, Gay uncles, Black vote, laptop moms, youth vote, the Latino vote, southern vote. So many voters, so little power. Votes, whether counted or not, are the game cards that say - you win democracy, go directly to Same Old Avenue.

Fifth, progressives consistently demand no one "feel their pain." When you feel no pain you feel no responsibility or motivation to change anything. Pain at the gas pump because no one wants to car pool or ride a bike? Pain at a few dollars more co-pay on Ritalin for Johnny Sit Still or Daddy Badback's Vicodin? Pain because Stacy and Bill cannot pay this month's credit card bill and can't include them in bankruptcy for the third time because of new bankruptcy laws?

Americans do not know pain, and neither the "left" nor "right" will allow too much pain. Besides, free counselors and prescriptions await you as the ground water grows more contaminated with Prozac. Pain can be a lifesaver and the ruling elite will not have you suffer past a certain controlled point of misery. Your level on the social ladder determines how much misery (zero at the upper rungs). Case in point, when Black America reached a level of unbearable suffering the Civil Rights movement was born, forcing change, although Detroit and other cities had to burn and good people had to die. Today's progressives won't sacrifice more than 3 weeks on the mall, and even then it's reasonably certain the National Guard and dogs won't be there.

Sadly, too many Black Americans threw away the social gain in exchange for a lifestyle of do-nothing, blame others; make babies and get high without responsibility; also the lifestyle of choice of a much larger group - poor and middling whites who lost their special spot in the social hierarchy for simply being white.

But "progressives" came to rescue with substance abuse programs and information that the CIA flooded LA with crack cocaine. However true it may be the truth changed nothing, but hey, folks can keep frying their brains and go to the clinic every felon charge or go to prison, and it's the CIA/government's fault. Oh, and lets open those borders and make it easier on the CIA as I hear Mexico makes meth now. Think how many trailers it will save if Darrell doesn't have to cook that shit.

"Progressivism" has simply been another can of whupass for the average American who describes himself as liberal, left, progressive, green, democrat, etc. Same chain, same masters, just standing on the auction block thinking he's the buyer while he's being sold every 4 years.

American "progressives" rankle my rancor much more than the "right" ever could because I have always known the "right" to be liars and a$$holes, but expected more from so-called "progressives" - disappointment is a bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-- A Friend

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