Saturday, September 02, 2006

Repent - The End Is Near

Bush recently blinked and putzed through yet another speech, comparing today's terrorists with last century's fascists and communists - coming to get you if you don't kill them over there. He was speaking to American Legion and VFW, which tends to be an old crowd who relate to the terminology of dangerous commies and fighting the hordes over there to keep them from invading here.

It is official folks. WWIII has begun, according to Bush and Osama bin Laden "who proclaimed that the 'third world war is raging' in Iraq."

Dubya and Osama have the same script writer.

Then there was this : Pentagon Releases Grim Report on Iraq.

NYT : "In a grim 63-page report, the Pentagon chronicled bad news on a variety of fronts … Death squads and terrorists are locked in mutually reinforcing cycles of sectarian strife … increasing fears that Iraq is sliding into civil war … rising violence … bad news on a variety of fronts … Al Qaeda is active despite the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, because of the group’s "cellular structure," that the Sunni insurgency is strong and that militias are undiminished."

However, the Pentagon's pdf also reports the Iraqi people place a great deal of confidence in the ISF ((Iraqi Security Forces). Despite the recent increase in violence the people's confidence in the Iraqi Army increased from 69% to 78%.

The Iraqi "hotline" also demonstrates a willingness to report suspicious activity. "Tips" have increased since March 2006.

The current ISF status lists 115,000 trained and equipped military personnel with another 162,000 trained and equipped Police and MOI forces (Ministry of Interior). The National Police are 90 percent trained and equipped and expected to be at 100 percent next quarter. But there seems to be glitched delays in both Army and Police training due to corruption, insufficient training, absenteeism of 1-8%, oversight, accountability, and "sectarianism" (the US version of "diversity" where one group accuses another of getting too many crumbs from the table of Big Daddy government).

In the pdf there are the usual pie charts and graphs. The worst insurgent hot zone maps directly across the center of Iraq. A 3 slice pie-state is the solution some would suggest. This tri-state territory could be directed from the world's largest and most luxurious US embassy in Baghdad. An option on the table.

Nation building isn't easy.

When polled with the question "How would you rate economic conditions in Iraq today? the Iraqi responded:

Excellent – 1%
Good - 10%
Fair - 26%
Poor - 59%

Likely the same response could be found in many African and Latin nations, or many neighborhoods in the US.

I have been comparing WWII, Europe, the East and West, and the old blue-blooded global money bags and wondering, are we near the beginning of the end to the elite's latest murder for money venture?

(I think I lost my original point here. Something I seem to do more of these days, from pure aggravation with what is considered news and information.)

To get a bigger war-on the ruling elite needs an enemy bigger than the "insurgents" of Iraq; an "October surprise" so horrendous the war goes global. But considering the money that has been made by the Beasts of Empire, they may be sated for a while.

For sure there will be no war crime trials for what has been done to Iraq/Afghanistan or the American sheeple. Although some would like to see US "war criminals" on trial a la Nuremberg. I wonder how many Americans would be able to name even 1 of the 10 Nazis who kicked and twisted at the end of a noose after "the greatest and most relevant trial in historical annals." Can grandpa of the greatest generation name one?

Who would the New 10 be? Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Ashcroft … or would these puppets pull a Pinochet … live in exile isles until they're 90 and too old to bother with. Bush in Brazil with Condi. Ashcroft in Bangkok. Cheney in Argentina. Disgraced on their estates with occasional quiet visits from corporate/political friends.

Maybe lower ranking heads would hang. Generals and colonels. Military men the average American has never heard of but the trial would illuminate and document their mountains of incubator babies and heads used as soccer balls, plastic grinders and rape rooms; lampshades and soap. They become household names that embody vile acts. But, nah … any brass that is punished would likely go the way of Janis Abu Ghraib; home with a pension.

Maybe we could get a few corporate heads, of the IG Farben type, who served 2 or 3 years prison time for "collaborating" with the Nazis.

(I say we plant two or three rocks on all these guys, arrest them for possession with intent, and supply a public defender. That'll keep them jailed longer than charges of war crimes.)

If the Pentagon pdf numbers above are accurate, and with hundreds of Halliburton and similar corporatocracy exercising stock options at $35 and immediately reselling at market of $70-80 - maybe some see the caboose of the current gravy wartrain, say in 18 months or so. Just before Election 2008.

There goes Hillary's chance to move back into the white House. Well, maybe not. She's been a good little supporter of the war and may get her Operation Just ReWARd. We need a woman to show the world the US is progressive, and who better than a woman to take the blame for the fall (of empire). I can hear the First Mother jokes now.

The Iraq "insurgents" have no major outside backers. There is no genuine civil war in Iraq. It took a century for Anglos to "contain" the ME but they may have finally succeeded. All the sheiks and princes and their puppet ministers years ago drank a toast to their Anglo/West counterparts in Paris, London, Berlin, Prague, Brussels, Vienna, Zug, Riyahd, Dubai, D.C. It's called statecraft. Isn't that a neat word ... state-craft? Craft of the state; executing crafty plans of the Global State.

Once the "coalition" has Iraq securely hog-tied, and Anglo leaders discover Mahmoud Ahmadinejad isn't really evil for building power plants, the bulk of US troops will suddenly, and it will seem suddenly, get to come home. Fox and CNN claim themselves correct about all things. Victory headlines are printed for round 1 in the war on terror, or will SAVE be the term used? Everybody wins, well everybody but the serfs, in the Struggle Against Violent Extremists.

US Troops will rotate to Baghdad just as they have for years to Okinawa, Ramstein, Seoul, Kosovo. A few 'support the troops' decals will be seen on old SUVs, sun fried to the paint. al-Qaeda leaders will be resurrected with every election and for porking the defense budget; remember the war on terror will last forever. Excuse me, S.A.V.E.

But, there's always N. Korea to rain fire and brimstone from a nuclear sky and bring on Armageddon. Afterall, true believers and chosen people are constituents too. Repent! Duck and cover, buy duct tape.


abi said...

The wisest move the Bush admin has made was to opt out of the International Criminal Court and bully anyone who might even think of holding us accountable for war crimes. Wisest move for them, that is.

Kate-A said...

They will hang the grunts, or try to.

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