Thursday, November 17, 2005

Further Proof Bell Curve Wrong

Accidental Asphyxia Among Youth.The Space Monkey, Knockout, Black Hole, the Choking Game. - "Alarmed by the scores of children who have died or become brain-damaged by this practice, schools around the country are sounding alarms to parents and teachers to watch for signs of the game, such as red eyes or bruises on a child's neck. "There is very little in the medical literature at this point," says Colin's mom, Dr. Trish Russell, who had never heard of the game until the night her son died."

Scores of dead and brain damaged children, usually ages 13 to 17 - one would think that's old enough to know strangulation ain't healthy. Imagine the "medical literature" to come.

Another "excuse-his-behavior disease" because Johnny, a member of the cognitive elite is addicted - to cutting off his own air supply. Parents and schools are spreading the word in case there are children who haven't heard of choking the other end of the monkey.

Most incidents have claimed there's nothing autoerotic – just done for the head rush. Only white kids could make this stuff up. Only white parents would claim it's a deadly child's game and unrelated to the family gene pool or parenting. Coke head, pot head, crack head, and now choke head.


Anonymous said...

The first teen mentioned in the article is described as being a "gifted student". Gifted with what exactly? Wasn't brains, common sense, or basic survival instincts that's for sure. And the parents are both doctors. Wonder if they're "gifted" too.

Parents a little out of touch with what their kiddies are up to? I can already hear the pathetic refrains, "We gave them everything ..." In my experience, everything they wanted, little of what they actually needed.

Good thing this victim wasn't the child of a single-parent, or welfare recipient, else that would be trotted all over hell and back to justify more cuts to more social programs [that is if there's anything left to cut].

On CNN, can't you just picture Nancy Grace's feigning outrage and shock over this idiocy, "Oh my Gawwwwd, I don't believe, what is wrawwwng with these kids, the poor parents, standing by in the studio tonight we have the devastated mother of little Johnny/Jane..." )

Maybe this can be blamed on poor schooling/teachers, or peer pressure? That's worked a time or two, right,

Sorry but it's really hard to conjure up some sympathy for stupid, reckless behaviour like this.


Kate-A said...

I cannot stand Nancy Grace. There's someone who should strangle themself. Had this fad began in the Black community it would not be a "medical issue" but one of character, intelligence, etc. Likely as not authorities would make arrests for abuse or homicide, and/or rule some as suicide.

[].ragko said...

I will admit that when I was about ten I did this a few times to myself. I even considered using a scarf once. I think now I probably would have been a statistic of accidental hanging.

It does feel somewhat good. Warm and fuzzy.

Does that make me dumb and uneducated??


Kate-A said...

at 10 you were dumb and uneducated, we all were, but it might mean you're white with too much time on your hands. :) At 10 my own children would have been too busy or too tired to choke themselves for a high.

Anonymous said...

Ah.... These comments ooze with ignorance and... ugliness.
It amazes me that people who know nothing about the 'people' they character assinate have the nerve to do so. Why do you do that? What joy do you get from that? Were you given some insight into these lives?These families and their homes? Do you know who you are talking trash about? If you don't, what gives you the right?
Talk about 'pathetic refrains'...
get a grip, get informed, and help to save the life of a child, not slam one. ...
Sarah Pacatte, Gabriel Mordecai's Mom...

Kate-A said...

Oh please. Nothing is a problem unless it effects the suburbs. These are not children. They are old enough to know better.

I can well imagine how sympathetic you would be if inner city Black teens were choking themselves for a head rush.

Anonymous said...

you're ignorance is ... frightening;


...The race of a child isn't an issue.. saving the life of one is.

People are people; People who stero type people are deadly.

How have you managed to live so long? I am .. bewildered, it would seem your 'gene' pool left out psychological maturation.

Sarah Pacatte...

Kate-A said...

I'm ignorant and deadly? But produced 5 mentally healthy children who are living productive adult lives in society. Amazing uh? Not a choker in the bunch.

I think the adjectives "frightening" and "ignorant" and "deadly" strike closer to your "gene pool" than mine.

Only white America could label self-destructive psychologically perverse behavior a "game."

Anonymous said...

Nice try...

Perhaps it was luck on your side in the case of "not a choker in the bunch".

I actually laughed at your statement: "Only white America could label self-destructive psychologically perverse behavior". Such tunnel vision. Such... ignorance.

How could you possibly assume to know the origin of 'who' labeled this high risk, thrill seeking activity 'The Choking Game'? It has many 'names', and it certainly was not coined by the media. This is what adolescents, 'CHILDREN' have called it, for many, many years. Children from all walks of life have participated in this activity for years. Some live, some do not. This 'game' knows no boundries. Regardless of social status, economic status, race, age or gender. It does not discriminate.

I suppose your children, when they were young, NEVER did a foolish thing! They never did something behind your back that could have taken their life! No, I am quite sure your children are not like any other children. I am sure they were above foolish, adolescent antics.

Your words exude much more than ignorance; The fact that you attribute blame of this to a 'county' and to a 'race' is pretty close to ethnocentrism; add that to egotistical... wow.. lucky you.

Where does one learn that? Why would someone teach that people from a different country, region,state,district, etc.. are less adequate as human beings? How does someone learn to 'clump' individuals into a whole? With beliefs like that, I can see why so many of your children wear a 'military' uniform if they share in your way of thinking. By God, that's something to defend.

I don't pity you; it's close, but mostly, I feel sorry for you. To write the words you write, something very unfortunate had to have happened somewhere in your life. That is a shame.


Kate-A said...

Sure my children in their teens took risks, part of adolescence. Skiing on slopes they weren't qualified for, water skiing w/o a vest, sneaking into the liquor cabinet, etc.

I've only heard of "choking" in relation to autoeroticism in psychology courses years ago. None of my children, and my oldest is 36, had heard of the "choking game" until now, even though you say it's been around for years and does not discriminate. Cancer does not discriminate - but lack of good judgement is not a disease.

Maybe mine were too busy in sports, academics, family, ROTC, (youngest daughter in med school) to have time for "games" that give a head rush. One son in his teens worked to pay for and obtain a small aircraft pilot license, one bought adjacent property and built a rental cabin with his own hands, others spending high school semesters in a third world country ...

Yep, I guess tackling projects and service to others is why they, against my wishes and guidance, put on so many uniforms. Blame me for my children, please.

Anonymous said...

You know.. I find it curious that you never posted my last response...
I am hoping it means you became informed.. and less judgemental..

Kate-A said...

Posts on this blog are auto. If you had a response that did not post it was due to something you performed incorrectly in the posting process.

My ideas haven't changed.

Anonymous said...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

CDC Study Warns of Deaths Due to the “Choking Game'

Just thought I'd send you an update on this topic.


Kate-A said...

I am truly sorry for the family's loss but I still feel had the "choking game" been predominantly in the black community it would not be a "medical issue" but considered poor judgment, questionable intelligence, character flaws.

When I asked my grandchildren 9 and 15 about the game they had never heard of it - of course now with the media attention more children will try it to see what the hype is all about.

When children even consider getting a eurphoric high or sexual feeling I would like at what and who they are exposed to.

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