Monday, November 14, 2005

Messy Massey

Staff sergeant Jimmy Massey (cofounder of Iraq Veterans Against the War) and author of Kill, Kill, Kill , a collection of genocidal atrocities committed by fellow Marine Corp "psychopathic killers" in Iraq. The rightwing are pointing out inconsistencies in Massey's memoirs. Massey joined the Cindy Sheehan bus tour, interviewed by Amy Goodman, speaks on campuses, etc. Some on the right compare Massey to the 1971 anti-war John Kerry. The usual – hero to the left, liar to the right.

Ron Harris writes in the St. Louis Post "News organizations worldwide published or broadcast Massey's claims without any corroboration and in most cases without investigation. Outside of the Marines, almost no one has seriously questioned whether Massey, a 12-year veteran who was honorably discharged, was telling the truth."

Massey defends himself at IVAW stating that Harris is guilty of bad reporting which is what Harris accuses the MSM of when initially reporting Massey's claims. He said/He said?

Information Clearing House (a source I sometimes find questionable) states that in Kill, Kill, Kill Massey claims : "… he and other Marines in his unit killed dozens of unarmed Iraqi civilians because of an exaggerated sense of threat, and that they often experienced sexual-type thrills doing so."

Sexual thrill kill? Why does that sound like b.s. to me? But it sells books and movie rights. Or perhaps thrill killing was an emotion Massey was able to name during the Navy psychiatric exit exam in May 2003, after he was medivaced from Iraq with the diagnosis of major depressive disorder and PTSD.

Massey was in Iraq until May 2003. So that's … 2 months' during the initial invasion? Sounds like somebody didn't want to play soldier anymore. Massey himself says of that time : "The Iraqis let us in the country; we didn't take it." I guess that was before the "exaggerated sense of threat" and sexual thrills set in.

Another MSM story where you, the individual, must decide who/what to believe. But personally, Massey reads like someone who was doing okay with military life until his ass was on the line, and being a good American capitalist he turned cowardice into coin.


Anonymous said...

"Sexual thrill kill? Why does that sound like b.s. to me? But it sells books and movie rights."

Er, no it doesn't. He's been unable to find a publisher in US. For "movie rights" he'd have been better off
writing about noble marines braving wicked insurgent fire to rescue Iraqui kids.

I'm sorry Kate, but if you haven't picked up yet on just how Gestapoid the US grunts are acting in Iraq, you've got the blinkers up.

Kate-A said...

I know opportunism when I see it. All hype. Dozens of publishers, Dandelion press or Paladin press, live on these types of books, some much more controversial than Massey's.

Massey's situation is similar to Micheal Moore - couldn't find a distributor, theaters refusing to play it, yadayada and then it's available everywhere on DVD in time for Xmas. Big difference is Massey is not backed (yet) by the phony American "left" as is Moore, so his book will not make him a multimillionaire. Not to mention he has no proof of anything he says. It doesn't help his cause to plead mental illness after 2 months of combat and then present himself as reliable.

Gestapoid? What's happening is what happens in every war. To think troop behavior is unique to Iraq war is not only blinkered but blind.

I didn't invent the system, just commenting on the results of it.

Anonymous said...

Disney bailed but Moore found a distributor. For an analogy with F911 to hold, Massey would have had to have had some modest success with previous books in US and won the literary equivalent of Cannes in Europe. You are reaching, here.

Yes all wars are brutal and all occupying armies turn to scum. If you know this, whay are you so skeptical of Massey's accusations?

Kate-A said...

I'd rather have my facts from someone more credible than Massey.

Anonymous said...

Then checkout the latter half of the interview with Tony Lagouranais at

Kate-A said...

Thanks, I read that. Massey has retracted or changed most, if not all, of his original accusations. His 15 minutes are almost over.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately kate

the thrill of the kill is well documented

it also leads to the feelings of deep regret later on at extracting joy from inflicting pain on others

most of your homeless people are ex military with real psychological issues

"everyone else was doing it so i just joined in"

while this may be an attempt at dressing up his own experiences

i saw the american public jumping for joy when the bombs were raining down on bhagdad

all of them under a spell

i felt sick, and while i hope you dont have to hear any of this from your boys mam, im sure theyll have a few stories of their own to tell, if they ever find the words ...


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