Saturday, November 19, 2005

Murtha Mucker

Murtha voted against Iraq troop withdrawal after he was given a standing ovation, much cheering and applause to his call for troop withdrawal. Democrats denounced the GOP vote on the matter as "politically motivated", unlike the Democrats who would never debate a matter motivated purely by politics; why they'll even approve P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Acts and bills without first reading them in an effort to get along. Democrats love the troops and loving means they never have to say they're sorry for supporting the war in the first place, unless prefaced by "had we known." But that's another blog.

Apparently the difference was Murtha and the Democrats wanted a "thoughtful approach" and suggested we bring the troops safely home in six months or "at the earliest practicable date," whereas those politically motivated Republicans opted for immediate withdrawal, which my pea brain thought had been the democrats rallying "bring them home now!"cry, but bring them home now turns out to have been a "Republican stunt." The house sideshow voted to reject the GOP-written resolution for immediate withdrawal by a vote of 403-3, as they rushed toward a two week Thanksgiving break, grateful that we the turkey continue to gobble up this stuff.

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