Thursday, November 10, 2005

Torture 101

I'm not certain how US torture is being run in the current crusade to export democracy but I know how it was done during the days of El Salvador war and the Contra war. Let the locals do it.

In Honduras, in support of the freedom loving Contras, the camps were run by a few US guys - big, bald, and buffed god-like "advisers" and "trainers" who usually spent more time in Tegucigalpa enjoying the night life, the Caribbean beach, or surfing the best beaches in Salvador. The gringo advisers advised, especially if representatives from the US flew down for inspection or "fact finding" tours, which wasn't often.

The American special forces and operatives could sit in on interrogations, and participate if sadism was their predilection, but physically forcing information from the captured was usually left to the local boys. This method of camp and seek provided American pols the "how could we know" option and, and if needed, the American military the "we're investigating" defense.

There are always neighboring "locals" eager to join in the "fight for freedom." Poverty recruited all manner of willing hands. Guatemalans, Columbians, Argentinians, Mexicans, Hondurans, Salvadorans. Free hots and a cot, camp hookers, American beer, dollars for dirty work, what's not to love about the spread of freedom?

Knowing that information collected by torture is not reliable, information is not particularly the goal – terror is; resistance can lose it's appeal when eunuchs limp back to the village without their tongue and eyesight. I suspect the US could easily put Saddam's Mukhabarat or other Middle East castrators and cattle prodders on the payroll. There are many men who enjoy their work for the remuneration, not necessarily the politics of it.


Anonymous said...

Knowing that information collected by torture is not reliable, information is not particularly the goal – terror is; resistance can lose it's appeal when eunuchs limp back to the village without their tongue and eyesight.

agreed. too many truth drugs avail, for torture to serve any other purpose.


Anonymous said...

Central American Division
CIA, 1985-89
Rats live in sewers. If you're going to get into the sewer to get the rats, you're going to get covered with slime. You're going to get covered with faecal material, recognise it, deal with it, then make a choice. Either you want to get rid of the rats which means you've got to get into the sewers, or you've got to learn to live with the rats.

Central American Division
CIA, 1985-89
If you're going to go out and play in the middle of the freeway or the expressway you do run a risk of getting run over. You know.. Bamaca too, he played.. he pursued what he thought was right and he paid a price for it.

Central American Division
CIA, 1985-89
The armchair liberals get to sit back after the fact and say oh my God we broke some eggs when we made omelettes. How terrible for the chickens. The fact of the matter was that the violence and the human rights abuses that were underway in Central America existed long before the United States showed up there.

Copied from the transcript of the BBC documentary "Down and Dirty"

I think this film aired on the Discovery Channel in the U.S. Mr. Johnson now entertains armchair liberals at the TPMCafe.

Kate-A said...

Yea, the US had to take the area from the other Euro Anglos who were "abusing" Central America first. The Brits, the Spaniards, the French.

Johnson reads like an armchair analyst. Must be why the armchair liberals love him, that and he slams Bush for the Plame affair. Amazing how many "former" spooky officials come forward these days to enlighten us.

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