Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hidden Torture

Dana Priest, who covers the intel community for the WaPo, has a four page online article -CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons.

Ms. P. and/or WaPo consider it "news" to repeat Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, Thailand, and other prison information we've had for months. She does give the wanna-talk-like-a-spy guys another term to use: "black sites." That's the term the insider sources gave Ms. Priest to refer to these secret prisons, or as the prisons are called in "classified official documents." These black sites are somewhere in a "Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe." Also the WaPo "is not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries involved in the covert program, at the request of senior U.S. officials."

Well geez, who were those Soviet era Eastern European countries? Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Albania? Some research and follow the money attitude might give a fledgling reporter a real scoop. One in six chance of getting it right just by closing your eyes and pointing, or better as the WaPo uses the plural so there's more than one.

Granted, there are hidden torture camps, and the term may be "black sites." But it took her four pages to say what I basically said in August – suspects are being tortured in secret places. However, as to "black sites" located in Soviet era countries; I think they're closer to home than that girlfriend.

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