Sunday, April 03, 2005

Give Them 15 Minutes

The MinuteMan Project. It seems to me there’s a segment of American white males who have a penchant for vigilantism. There’s the history of lynching and bounty scalping, extreme sport for men who claimed to be saving folks from Negras and Injuns. The modern version of homeland frontiersmen, Minutemen, now saving the nation from certain death by hordes of alien invaders. Same low forehead set thinking, new age terminolgy. According to the project’s organizers, James Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, the minutemen are a peaceful bunch. Their official poster claims the MM are only “a blocking force against entry into the U.S. by illegal aliens, drug dealers and potential terrorists” and “to protect our country from an invasion by people from all over the world across our southern border…” (Pay no mind to those rebel flags or that all MM participants are white skinned.)

One would have to believe that billion$ in drugs are smuggled across in the pockets or bolsa of Jose and Juanita. And that terrorists from around the world (all Arab or Muslim of course) are running along the ridge with Juanita and Jose. I guess terrorists and drug lords never think of using the Canadian border.

Socially and politically the ruling class may be testing how far the minutemen serfs will go and how far the thinking men and women of society (15 percent on a good day) will let them go. Rather than admit his government is unwilling to thwart illegal immigration, the Minutemen serf, with a wink from politicians such as Tom Tancredo, can entertain their thug pathology and call it “neighborhood watch”, or defense of the homeland. Or “sending a message”, that’s a big meme these days. The oppression, poverty, wars, and corruption that drive people from their own country and across the border is approved by the US ruling elite; we’ve taught the governments south everything modern we know about genocide, slavery, low level war, civil strife, and abuse of power.

It’s been said that Simcox suffers from paranoid delusions. Has claimed a “Mexican conspiracy” to take over LA. and began taking his wife and teen son to the shooting range in preparation for a race war. The MM website states their project “is a reminder to Americans that our nation was founded as a nation governed by the "rule of law", not by the whims of mobs of ILLEGAL aliens who endlessly stream across U.S. borders. Accordingly, the men and women volunteering for this mission are those who are willing to sacrifice their time, and the comforts of a cozy home, to muster for something much more important than acquiring more "toys" to play with while their nation is devoured and plundered by the menace of tens of millions of invading illegal aliens. Future generations will inherit a tangle of rancorous, unassimilated, squabbling cultures with no common bond to hold them together, and a certain guarantee of the death of this nation as a harmonious "melting pot."

Tsk tsk, such an endless stream of inflammatory crapping. It’s guaranteed the minutemen, and like-minded, will never realize the US is already ruled by the whims of a mob, and we pay homage, perks, and salaries to them. They will never acknowledge the trillions plundered and devoured by the good ole’ boys. Is the goose step toward border control to keep “them” out or “us” in?

1 comment:

Deb said...

Good point about whether we are keeping "them" out or "us" in. I find it difficult to believe that the border fence with prongs pointing towards the U.S. side is an accident. Very odd.

Thanks for speaking out.

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